Translation of the song Kampungmu [Where You Are] artist Moana (OST)
Kampungmu [Where You Are]
Your Village
Moana, mari, mari
Moana, come here, come here
Moana, dengarkanlah hikayat peradaban Motunui
Moana, please listen to the saga of Motunui's civilisation
Tarinya mengasyikkan
Its dance is fascinating
Irama moyang kita
The rhythm of our ancestors
Unik rentaknya, kekal dan abadi
The beat is unique, eternal and timeless
Kekalkan budaya kita
Our culture should be preserved
Ya Moana, jangan kaulupa (Mari)
Yes Moana, do not forget it (Come here)
Jangan sampai tersandung
Do not let yourself to stumble
You have to remember it
Saling berkongsi mesra (Mesra)
We share warmly with each other (Warmly)
Sesambil bakul dianyam
While weaving the basket
Menantikan pulang nelayan
And waiting for the fishermen to return
I wait for it
Jangan pergi
Do not go
Moana jaga langkahmu
Moana, watch your steps
Dikau bakal penghulu di kampungmu
You are going to be the headwoman of your village
Kau 'kan sedar hidup yang kaudambakan
You will realise that your life that you have been longing for
Semuanya berada di kampungmu
Everything of it is already in your village
Fikir tentang kelapa (Apa?)
Think about coconut (What?)
Oh, pokoknya!
Oh, the tree!
Tiap bahagian kelapa ada guna
Every part of coconut has its own uses
Pukat kita dari serat
Our nets are from fibre
Airnya berkhasiat
Its water is nutritious
Daun menyalakan api
Its leaves ignite the fire
Geluk jadi kuali
Its shell becomes a wok
Fikir tentang kelapa
Think about coconut
Serba gunanya
How versatile it is
Betapa semua ada di kampungku
How everything is present in my village
Kampung kita kekal aman dan harmoni
Our village will remain in peace and harmony
Menanti saatmu jadi penghulu
Waiting for the moment for you to be the headwoman
Jangan gentar
Do not be afraid
Tetap dan tabahkan hati
Be persistent and have a courageous heart
Carilah panduan di kampungmu
Please find the guidance in your village
Kumenari dan menurut arus, gelombang laut
I am dancing and following the current and waves of the sea
Laut sukar dijangka, selalu berseloka
The sea is difficult to predict and always teasing me
Orang fikir aku gila
People think that I am crazy
Hanyut di lamunannya
And being drifted away in the daydream
Kenali hatiku baru kautahu
Know my heart first then you know
Kau dan ayahmu sama
You and your father are same
Degil dan bangga
Stubborn and proud
Walau turuti ayahmu, dengar suara hatimu
Even if you adhere to your father, listen to the voice of your heart
Jika dengar bisikannya 'tuk kecapi kejora
If you listen to its whisper for you to reach out for the Morning Star
Moana, suara itulah dirimu
Moana, that voice is your true self
Pukat kita dari serat (Pukat kita dari serat)
Our nets are from fibre (Our nets are from fibre)
Airnya berkhasiat (Lazatnya berkhasiat)
Its water is nutritious (Delicious and nutritious too)
Daun menyalakan api (Nikmatnya yang tak terkata)
The leaves ignite the fire (The pleasure cannot be expressed by words)
Geluk jadi kuali (Rezeki buat semua)
Its shell becomes a wok (Sustenance for everyone)
Kaummu perlukanmu (Ya, betul)
Your people need you (Yes, correct)
Perlukan kamu
They need you
Betapa semua ada di kampungmu
How everything is present in my village
Ku 'kan cuba jadi pemimpin berjasa
I will try to be a praiseworthy leader
Membawakan bahagia kampungku
To bring happiness to my village
Kusedia bekerja membina bangsa
I am ready to work on building the nation
Mendukung tuntutan jiwa kampungku
Carrying the demands of my village's soul
Harapan juga takdirku, kampungku
The hopes with my destinies and with my village too
Moga sejahteralah kampungmu, kampungku
May your village and my village be filled with prosperity