Translation of the song Know who you are (Croatian) artist Moana (OST)
Know who you are (Croatian)
Know who you are
(Ou mata e matagi)
(Ou mata e matagi)
Iz daljina sa dolazim k tebi
I'm coming for you from a distant place
(Ou loto mamaina toa)
(Ou loto mamaina toa)
Ime ti znam
I know your name
(Manatu atu)
(Manatu atu)
Srce nemaš već dugo u sebi
You don't have a heart inside for such a long time
(Taku pelepele)
(Taku pelepele)
Al zbog tog ja ne strepim
But I'm not afraid because of that
Ovo tu nisi sti
This right here is not who you are
Otkrij sad tko si ti
Now reveal who you are