Translation of the song امنت بالمسيح artist ‏Mosa Alamerah


امنت بالمسيح

English translation

I believe in Jesus

آمنت أنك عبده و رسوله

I bear witness you are the messenger of Allah and his servant

من ضمن أهل العزم نور الفرقد

One of the messengers of strong will, the light of the Polar Star

ماكنت ابن الله جل جلاله

Allah has no son, all glory is to him

سبحانهُ لا وَالِدٌ لَم يوُلَدِ

Exalted is He, He begets not, not was He begotten

أبدًا و لستُ بثالثٍ لثلاثةٍ

Never were you a part of any trinity

اللهُ فردٌ ليس بالمتعددِ

Allah is One, not many

عيسى ابن مريم يا حبيب محمدِ

O Jesus, the son of Mary, the love of Muhammad

بشرت يا روح الإله بأحمدِ

You, the spirit of God, gave glad tidings of the coming of prophet Muhammad

صلى عليك الله في عليائهِ

Allah, in His highly Exalted Status, has showered His grace and blessings upon you

يا ابن البتول خليل كل موحدِ

The son of the Virgin, the friend of every believer

قد أوجب المختار حبك شرعةً

Our Prophet has made your love an integral part of our faith

فينا وفي الإيمان لم نتردد

And we have never questioned this love

يا كلمة الله التي ألقى بها

You are the word of Allah

عند البتول و بالنبوةِ فاشهدِ

That is bestowed on the Virgin, to be a prophet, bear witness

آمنت أنك عبده و رسوله

I bear witness you are the messenger of Allah and his servant

من ضمن أهل العزم نور الفرقد

One of the messengers of strong will, the light of the Polar Star

ماكنت ابن الله جل جلاله

Allah has no son, all glory is to him

سبحانهُ لا وَالِدٌ لَم يوُلَدِ

Exalted is He, He begets not, not was He begotten

عيسى ابن مريم يا حبيب محمدِ

O Jesus, the son of Mary, the love of Muhammad

بشرت يا روح الإله بأحمدِ

You, the spirit of God, gave glad tidings of the coming of prophet Muhammad

صلى عليك الله

Allah has showered His grace and blessings upon you

صلى عليك الله

Allah has showered His grace and blessings upon you

أبدًا و لستُ بثالثٍ لثلاثةٍ

Never were you a part of any trinity

اللهُ فردٌ ليس بالمتعددِ

Allah is One, not many

أتباع عيسى ها رفعنا قدرهُ

O followers of Jesus, we have always held him high in status

وبصدقهِ يدعو البرية سيدي

And in his truthfulness, our Prophet has called upon all humanity to believe in

هيا بأحمدِ آمنوا فهو الذي

O followers of Jesus, Why can not you believe in Prophet Muhammad

مدح المسيح بمصحفٍ و بمسجدِ

Who praises Jesus in Scripture and Mosques

عيسى و أحمدُ مرسلان كلاهما

Jesus and Muhammad are both messengers

في الذكرِ و الإنجيل رُغم الملحدِ

It is mentioned in the Quran and the Bible, in spite of the claims of disbelievers

فعلى البتول و ابنها حلل الثناء

May the drapes of light be upon the Virgin and her Son

وسلامنا من مُتهمٍ أو منجدِ

May peace be upon them, despite the ill-wishes of accusers

إيماننا لا يستوي إن نحن لم

Our faith is incomplete

نؤمن بعيسى في اعتقادٍ أرشدِ

If we don't fully believe in Jesus

صلى عليك الله

Allah has showered His grace and blessings upon you

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