Translation of the song Know Who You Are Slovene artist Moana (OST)
Know Who You Are Slovene
Know Who You Are Slovene
(Ou mata e matagi)
(Your eyes so full of wonder)
Čez obzorje sem šla v iskanju
I've crossed the horizon in my search
(Ou loto mamaina toa)
(Your heart an innocent warrior)
Vem tvoje ime
I know your name
(Manatu atu)
(There’s a task for you)
Si ostal brez srca v kljubovanju
You were left with no heart despite resisting
(Taku pelepele)
(My dearest one)
A to te ne določa
But this does not define you
(Manatu natu)
(And your deep thoughts)
To ni tvoj pravi jaz
This is not your true self
Saj veš, kdo si
You know who you are