Translation of the song Ko Au A Moana (Waiata a Nga tipuna) [I Am Moana (Song of the Ancestors)] artist Moana (OST)
Ko Au A Moana (Waiata a Nga tipuna) [I Am Moana (Song of the Ancestors)]
I am Moana
Tērā tētahi puhi
I know a girl from an Island
Te tapu o te motu
She stands apart from the crowd
Kai, me te iwi
She loves the sea and her people
Ka arohainatia
She makes her whole family proud
Taupatupatu te ao nei
Sometimes the world seems against you
Koe ka tukinotia
The journey may leave a scar
Kia mau, kia huraina mai rā tō ara
but scars can heal and reveal just where you are
Nā tō ara hikoi ka puta
The people you love will change you
Nā hopainga koe e arahina
The things you have learned will guide you
E kore e pehi kino
And nothing on earth can silence
Te reo iti, rahi roto
the quiet voice still inside you
Kia whakoakoa mai rā
And when that voice starts to whisper
Moana, kua tata rā koe
Moana, you've come so far
Moana, tēnā uia,
Moana, listen
Ko wai koe?
Do you know who you are?
Ko wai au?
Who am I?
Ka arohaina tāku kainga,
I am a girl who loves her island
I te au o te moana
And a girl who loves the sea
E hao nei
It calls me
He puhi tapu nā te ariki
I am the daughter of the village chief
He uri kōkā i moana
We are descended from voyagers
I tāna hātia te ao, e hao nei
Who found their way across the world, they call me
Nāku mātou e arahi
I've delivered us to where we are
Ki te pae tawhiti
I have journeyed further
Kua puta, kua tangata au, e hao nei
I am everything I've learned and more, still, it calls me
Au waka i waho,
And the call isn't out there at all
I roto i ahau e
It's inside me
Te karanga nō te tai,
It's like the tide
E hao nei
Always falling and rising
Tāku tae,
I will carry you here in my heart
Ngā mana whakamau i ahau e
You remind me
Kia maranga,
That come what may
Tāku ara
I know the way
Ko au a Moana!
I am Moana!