Translation of the song Kus oled sa [Where You Are] artist Moana (OST)


Kus oled sa [Where You Are]

English translation

Where you are

Vaiana kas näed, kas näed?

Vaiana, can you see, can you see?

Vaiana, sul teada aeg,

Vaiana, it's time for you to know

Me väikene küla sulle tähtsaim see

Our little village is most important to you

Nii põliseid tantse me vaid tantsida püüame

We try to dance acient dances

(Ei taha me uut, on vana küllalt hea)

(We don't want new, old is good enough)

Traditsioonidest peab lugu ja Vaiana,

We hold traditions in honour and Vaiana

palju on teha sul

There's much for you to know

(Kas näed?)

(Do you see?)

Vaid jalg jala ette sea, on õige see

Put one foot before another, that's the way

Meil jagada tuleb kõik ja lõbusalt

We must share everything and we

teeme korda kui kalurid merelt saabuvad.

happily fix everything as the fisher's arrive from the sea.

Ma vaatan ka...

I'm looking...

Sa püsi siin, Vaiana nüüd seisa paigal,

Stay here, Vaiana, now stay here,

me rahvale juhi sinust leiame

we'll find a leader for the people in you

Kord saabub päev, mil oskad sa vaadata

A day will come when you can look

ja mõistad: õnn on siin kus oled sa.

and understand: happiness is where you are.

Just nii nagu kookospalm,

Just like a coconut palm

(Mis palm?)

(What palm?)

nii võimas see puu.

so powerful this tree.

Meil kõike annab see kookospalm,

The coconut palm gives us everything,

jah nii on see.

yes, that's right.

Ta koorest võrke me teeme

We make nets out of its bark

(Ta koorest võrke me teeme)

(We make nets out of its bark)

Ja mahl on tal magus sees

And it has a sweet juice inside

(Ja mahl on tal magus sees)

(And it has a sweet juice inside)

Ja lehtedest lõke me saame

We make a fire of it's leaves

(Ta lehtedest lõke me saame)

(We make a fire of it's leaves)

Ja liha see küpseb sees

And cook meat inside them

(Ja liha see küpseb sees)

(And cook meat inside them)

Kui tähtis on kookospalm

How important the coconut palm

(Kui tähtis on kookospalm)

(How important the coconut palm)

ja viljakas koor.

and its fruitful cream.

See saar meil annab kõigeks väe

This island gives us the strength for everything

Ei keegi läe

No one will leave

Just nii - ei läe!

That's right - won't leave!

Me kaitstud ja hästi hoitud,

We're safe and well,

ja tulevik helge näib, kus oled sa.

and the future seems bright, where you are.

Hakkama saad ning õppides aja

You can do it and by learning

jooksul sa õnne leidma pead,

with time you must find happiness,

kus oled sa.

where you are.

Kui nõnda tants selge veega,

When I dance with the clear water,

mind lainetus haarab taas.

the waves grasp me again.

On kelmiks ilme tal ja veidike ulakas.

Her expression is gay and a bit naughty.

Küla peab mind hulluks veidi,

The village thinks I'm a bit crazy,

nii kaugele triivin ma.

so far do I float.

Kuid ükskord kui jõad sinna,

But when once you get there,

avastad, et oled isa tütar,

you'll find that you are your father's daughter,

sama uhke ka.

as proud as well.

Pea meeles, kuulates teda

Bare in mind, by listening to him

sul hääl sees võib ärgata,

a voice inside you may wake,

ja sosistab, et sa püüaks

and whisper to you to only

vaid tähte, mis kaugemal.

catch the star that is the farthest.

Vaiana, see hääl on see,

Vaiana, this voice is

kes oled sa.

who you are

Ta kiududest võrke teeme

We make nets of its fibers

(Ta kiududest võrke teeme)

(We make nets of its fibers)

Ning mahl on tal magus sees

And it has a sweet juice inside

(Jah, on tõesti magus sees)

(Yes, it's really sweet inside)

Ta lehtedest lõkke teeme

We make a fire of it's leaves

Ning laule laulda me saame

And we get to sing songs

Ja liha seal küpseb sees

And meat is cooking inside there

Meil on suid veel toita ees

We still have mouths to feed

Kõik meisse nii usuvad

Everybody believes in us

(Just nii!)

(That's right!)

Kõik usuvad meid!

Everybody believes us!

Meil lahkelt kõike annab saar

The island kindly gives us everything

Ei keegi lähe (?)

Nobody's going to leave (?)

Ma siia jään,

I'll stay here,

mu rahvas on siin mu kõrval,

my people are here beside me

kui mõtlen homsele,

when I think of tomorrow

seal koos oleme.

we're together there.

Teed näitan teil

I'll show you the way

ja valgustab mind mu rahvas

and my people enlighten me

Meil homne on helge siin

Our tomorrow looks bright here

kus oleme.

where we are.

Toob tagasi iga tee,

Every way brings (you) back

kus oled sa.

where you are

Võid õnne leida seal

You can find happiness there

kus oled sa,

where you are,

oled sa.

you are.

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