Translation of the song Chile Resistencia artist Inti-Illimani
Chile Resistencia
Chile Resistance
Con paso rápido
With quick steps
camina la unidad
walks the unity
de los unidos ya
of the ones united
por la miseria,
by the misery,
los que la represión
the ones the repression
golpea por igual
punches equally
unieron la unidad
they united the unity
la resistencia.
the resistance.
Las horas del dolor
The hours of pain
no son eternas.
are not eternal.
ya se oyen,
they can be heared,
ya vienen,
they are coming,
ya cantan,
thay sing,
son miles,
they are thousands,
son miles
they are thousands
they resist,
they move forward
por Chile
for Chile
Chile, Chile, Chile
Chile, Chile, Chile
nos liberaremos,
we will free ourselves,
vamos a triunfar
we will triumph
lucha junto a mí
fight next to me
patria de unidad
homeland of unity
vamos a forjar.
we will forge.
Día tras día: venceremos,
Day after day: we will win,
nos liberaremos.
we will free ourselves.
Al fascismo cruel, vamos a aplastar
The cruel fascism, we'll crush
forjaremos Patria de unidad.
we'll forge homeland of unity.
No solo a resistir
Not only resisting
ahora hay que avanzar,
now we need to move forward,
con paso rápido
with quick steps
la vida cambia.
life changes.
¡A derrotarlos ya!
To defeat them now!
con fuerza y decisión,
with force and decision,
por la pendiente van
on the slope they go
es el ocaso.
it's the sunset.
Las horas del dolor
The hours of pain
están contadas
are counted.