Translation of the song Hej salaši na severu Bačke artist Zvonko Bogdan


Hej salaši na severu Bačke

English translation

Hej Salaši na severu Bačke

Hej salaši na severu Bačke

Hey salaši * on the north of Bačka**

u vama su pisme bunjevačke

in you songs of Bunjevci are***

a tambura tako lipo svira

but tambouritza**** sounds so nice,

k'o da note par slavuja bira

Like the tones are being chosen by two nightingales..

Ni svatova nigdi tak'i nema

There are no weddings anywhere like here,

k'o kad baćo 'ćer na udaj' sprema

When the father prepares daughter for the wedding,

na snaši se bili šlajer vije

Sister-in-law adorned with white flowers,

k'o kad zimi snig salaš pokrije

Like the snow-covered salaš in the winter..

Hej Bunjevci na sjeveru Bačke

Hey Bunjevci on the north of Bačka,

sačuvajte pisme bunjevačke

Save the Bunjavac's songs,

pivajte ih još puno godina

Sing them for many years,

vaša j' grana mala al' je fina

Your branch is small, but really nice..

I lumpujte al' lipo polako

And celebrate, but nice and slowly,

nek se divi i nek vidi svako

Let others admire and see,

a nek vranci pokidaju štrange

May the sparrows cut strings

kad se krenu momci na vašange

Like when boys go to vašange*****

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