Translation of the song Kad se mesec sprema na spavanje artist Zvonko Bogdan


Kad se mesec sprema na spavanje

English translation

When The Moon Is About To Go To Sleep

Kad se mesec sprema na spavanje

When the Moon is about to go to sleep

Ja polazim u ašikovanje

I go flirting

Dok ne stignem do svoje dragane

Before I can get to my darling

Moram proći kraj jedne kafane

I must pass by a tavern

A kafana mala, zadimljena

And the tavern is small, full of smoke

Čuva spomen na stara vrimena

It keeps the memory of old times

Tihi žamor, setne riči bira

Quiet murmur, choosing nostalgic words

Jedan stari na cimbalu svira

An old man plays the cimbalom

Tiho svira i potajno plače

He quietly plays and secretly cries

I pominje sve stare svirače

And he mentions all the old players

I sića se ove pisme stare

And remembers this old song

Cand se duce luna la culcare

Cand se duce luna la culcare1

Ionel, Ionel, Ionule

Ionel, Ionel, Ionule 2

Curice to ne vole

Girls don't like it

Kad tvoje usne pijane

When your drunken lips

Ružno pričaju

Speak of ugly

Ionel, Ionel, Ionule

Ionel, Ionel, Ionule

Curice to ne vole

Girls don't like it

Kad tvoje žice pijane

When your drunken strings

Svašta sviraju

Play just about anything

Godinama ista priča traje

The same story goes on for years

Mesečeva šetnja ne prestaje

Moon's walk does not stop

Ja i dalje idem na tu stranu

I still go to those ends

Moram svratit u istu kafanu

I must visit the same tavern

A kafana mala, zadimljena

And the tavern is small, full of smoke

Čuva spomen na stara vrimena

It keeps the memory of old times

Tihi žamor, setne riči bira

Quiet murmur, choosing nostalgic words

A naš Mirča na cimbalu svira

And our Mirča3 plays the cimbalom

Tiho svira i potajno plače

He quietly plays and secretly cries

I pominje sve dobre svirače

And he mentions all the good players

I sića se ove pisme stare

And remembers this old song

Cand se duce luna la culcare

Cand se duce luna la culcare

Ionel, Ionel, Ionule

Ionel, Ionel, Ionule

Curice to ne vole

Girls don't like it

Kad tvoje usne pijane

When your drunken lips

Ružno pričaju

Speak of ugly

Ionel, Ionel, Ionule

Ionel, Ionel, Ionule

Kad tvoje žice pijane

Girls don't like it

Svašta sviraju

When your drunken strings

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