Translation of the song No es mereixen [You're Welcome] artist Moana (OST)


No es mereixen [You're Welcome]

English translation

It was nothing

Ja veig el que deu passar

I see what's happening

Dons que ara amb l’excellència t’has topat

Now it seems that you've come across greatness

I no saps què fer ni que dir

And you don't know what to do or to say,

És fantàstic!

It's fantastic !

Que bonic que es veure humans que no han canviat.

It's nice to see that humans haven't changed

Obre bé els ulls, comencem

Open your eyes, let's begin,

Sí ja ho veus sóc jo el Maui, el millor!

Yes, you see me, Maui, the best !

Són massa pectorals, cabell i el cos,

My head and my body are too much for you,

Perquè veus un semidéu tan gros.

Because you're seeing such a hunk of a demigod.

Què més puc dir que no es mereixen

What else can I say, it was nothing

Aquest mar, el cel i el sol

The sea, the sky and the sun,

Et dic de res i

I say you're welcome and

No es mereixen

Don't mention it,

Però sóc un semi paio ben normal!

But I am an ordinary demi-guy


Eh !

Qui va pujar el cel amb un pim-pam

Who raised the heavens in a pinch

Quan tu no alçaves ni un pam,

When you were just a hand high,


I did !

Quan venia el fred,

When the cold came

Qui de la terra et duia el foquet?

Who from the land brought you a little fire ?

El tens al davant, no?

He's in front of you, right ?

Oh, i el sol jo vaig atrapar,

Oh, and I caught the sun,

No es mereixen!

Don't mention it !

I així les nits vaig escurçar

And then I shortened the nights

I el vent jo vaig dominar

I mastered the wind,

No es mereixen!

Don't mention it !

Perquè poguéssiu navegar

So all of you could sail !

T’ho torno a dir que no es mereixen

I'm saying again, don't mention it

Vaig treure illes del gran fons marí

I took islands off the great seafloor

No cal insistir, ja et dic

No need to insist, as I say :

No es mereixen!

It's nothing !

Ha, suposo que es així que em va fer a mi

Ha, I guess that's how they made me,

No es mereixen!

Don't mention it !


Don't mention it !

De fet, pensa-t’ho bé

In fact, thinking about it again,

Mira, si vull comportar-me com cal

Look, if I want to behave properly,

Et podria explicar els fenòmens que son naturals

I could explain all the natural phenomena :

Marees, herba, terra , etcètera

Tides, grass, land et cetera,

Maui en peu de guerra

Maui is up in arms

Vaig matar a una anguila

I killed an eel,

La vaig enterrar

I buried it

I ara teniu cocos tots per sopar

And now you all have coconuts for dinner

Que t’explico?

What can I tell you ?

Quina lliçó hem aprés?

What lesson have we learned ?

Compte amb en Maui que no s’hi posa per res

Watch out with Maui, don't mess with him

Que es això que aquí tinc tatuat?

What is that I have tattooed here ?

Les batalles que en Maui ha guanyat

The battles Maui has won,

Mira que he fet

Look what I've done,

Tot això ho he fet jo i

I've done all of that,

Mira aquest mini Maui com balla a cavall ha ha ha he!

And watch this little Maui dancing on horseback, ah, ah, ah !

T’ho torno a dir : de res, no es mereixen (mereixen)

Again, I'm saying : You're welcome, don't mention it (mention it)

Aquest món tan meravellós

For this wonderful world

Et dic de res i

I'm telling you You're welcome

No es mereixen (mereixen)

Don't mention it (mention it)

Però ja s’ha m’ha fet tard i toco el dos

But it's late and I'm shoving off

Et toca a tu dir no es mereixen (mereixen)

It's now your turn to say don't mention it (mention it)

La barca m’he d’emportar

I have to take this boat

Vaig lluny d’aquí

I'm going far from here

però no es mereixen (mereixen)

But don't mention it (mention it)

El Maui ho pot fer tot menys de flotar

Maui can do everything but float

No es mereixen!

It's nothing !


Nothing !

I gràcies!

And thank you !

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