Translation of the song Prošle su mnoge ljubavi artist Zvonko Bogdan


Prošle su mnoge ljubavi

English translation

Many Loves Had Ended

Prošle su mnoge ljubavi

Many loves had ended

prošli su mnogi životi

Many lives had ended

i ovo naše prolazi

And these, ours, are passing (lives and loves)

a vaše dolazi

And yours (time) is coming

Sve što se zbilo nestaće

Everything that happened will disappear,

i ovo naše prestaće

And this, ours, will desist,

a vaše vrime doći će

And your time will come,

ali i proći će

But (it will) pass (as well)



I posle svega ostaće pisma

And after all a song will remain

koju će pivati svi

Which will be sung by everybody,

i niko nikad saznati neće

And no one will ever realise

da si u pismi ti i samo ti

That you are in the song, and just you,

jedino ti, moja ljubavi

only you, my love..

Uzalud laži, prevare

Lies and frauds are in vain,

uzalud zamke, zavjere

Traps and conspiracies are in vain,

ne vride suze, kajanje

Tears and repentance are worthless,

kad život jedan je

Because the life is one!

Nek tiho svira muzika

Let the music play in fade,

uz puno toplih treptaja

Within lots of warm blinks,

hoću da budem pijan sad

I'd like to be drunk now:

od tvojih dodira

From your touches..

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