Translation of the song Već odavno spremam svog mrkova artist Zvonko Bogdan


Već odavno spremam svog mrkova

English translation

I've been getting my horse ready for a long time

Već odavno spremam svog mrkova

I've been getting my horse ready for a long time

da se prođem kasom od miline

To stroll beautifully trotting

da obiđem staze, staze svog detinjstva

To visit the paths of my childhood

za salašom želja da me mine (2x)

To appease my desire of the farm

Al' rekoše mi pre nikolko dana

But I've been told a few days ago

da je srušen onaj salaš mali

That the small farm has been knocked down

Nema više starog čardaka ni đerma

There is no more old cottage nor a well

ni debelog 'lada od bagrema (2x)

No more deep shade of acacia trees (2x)

Neću više ići na tu stranu

I will not go that way again

jer ne mogu suze oku skriti

Because I can not hide the tears from my eyes

Ili moram, tugo, okrenuti glavu

I either have to turn away my had, oh sorrow,

il' plakati ili se napiti (2x)

Or cry, or get drunk (2x)

Sve je manje dobrih tamburaša

There is less and less good tambura players

Fijakera, snaša i salaša

Fiacres, young wives and farms

Sve je manje konja, konja koji jure

There is less and less horses that run

A ustvari nikuda ne žure (2x)

Even if they are not in a hurry to get anywhere

Nek' vrag nosi moje snove puste

To devil with my fantasies

divojačke duge kose puste

With girls' beautiful long hairs

Nek' vrag nosi, tugo, dobre tamburaše

To devil, oh sorrow, with good tambura players

fijakere, pisme i salaše (2x)

Fiacres, songs and farms (2x)

Neću više ići na tu stranu

I will not go that way again

jer ne mogu suze oku skriti

Because I can not hide the tears from my eyes

Ili moram, tugo, okrenuti glavu

I either have to turn away my had, oh sorrow,

il' plakati ili se napiti (2x)

Or cry, or get drunk (2x)

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