Translation of the song On aniré (Reprise) [How Far I'll Go (Reprise)] artist Moana (OST)


On aniré (Reprise) [How Far I'll Go (Reprise)]

English translation

Where I will go (Reprise)

Veig el punt on el cel troba el mar i ara em crida

I see the point where the sky meets the sea and now it calls me

Jo hi vull anar però no sé on va

I want to go there, but I don't know where it goes

Tot el temps que he dubtat si he de marxar

All the time that I doubted whether I had to leave

Queda enrere

Is left behind

Tinc per company un món estrany

I have a strange world as my companion

Cada nou camí em porta lluny enllà

Every new path leads me far beyond

És el meu destí, ja no puc tornar

It's my destiny, now I can't turn back

D'aquest lloc estrany on no tinc companys

From this strange place where I have no friends

El lloc on vull ser

The place where I want to be

Veig la llum que de nit en el mar em crida

I see the light that at night in the sea calls me

Ara ja sé el que he de fer

Now I know what I must do

Hi ha una lluna en el cel i ara el vent m'acompanya

There's a moon in the sky and now the wind joins me

Aviat sabré on aniré

Soon I'll know where I will go

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