Jakby nigdy nic, brodzę już w smudze cienia
As if nothing had happened, I'm paddling in a smudge of shadow
I widzę jak zachodzi słonko ojca i matki
And I can see how the sun of father and mother is going under
Jakby nigdy nic, przyjaciół paru na cmentarzach
As if nothing had happened, a few friends in the graveyard
Jakby nigdy nic, kwitną na nich kwiatki
As if nothing had happened, flowers blossom on them (the friends)
Jakby nigdy nic, słońce świeci innym
As if nothing had happened, the sun shines with the others
I kto inny ze światem się zżywa
And somebody is befriending with the world
Jakby nigdy nic, żartujemy, pijemy
As if nothing had happened, we are joking, drinking
Choć przy stole wciąż kogoś ubywa
Though at the table people keep decreasing
Jakby nigdy nic, kolejna jesień mija
As if nothing had happened, another autumn is going by
Jakby nigdy nic, życie ucieka
As if nothing had happened, life is passing by
Jakby nigdy nic, robię dobrą minę do złej gry
As if nothing had happened, I'm making the best of a bad job
I z nadzieją na jutro czekam
With hope I am waiting for tomorrow