Translation of the song Rentak Hati [We know the way] artist Moana (OST)
Rentak Hati [We know the way]
The Rhythm of the Heart
Tatou o tagata folau,
Tatou o tagata folau,
E vala’auina.
E vala’auina.
E le atua o le sami tele,
E le atua o le sami tele,
e o mai.
e o mai.
Ia ava’e le lu’itau e lelei,
Ia ava’e le lu’itau e lelei,
Olo,olo vaka
Olo,olo vaka
Aue, Aue!
Aue, Aue!
Nuku I mua,
Nuku I mua,
Te manulele e tataki e!
Te manulele e tataki e!
Aue, Aue!
Aue, Aue!
Te fenua, te malie,
Te fenua, te malie,
Nae ko hakilia, mo kaiga e!
Nae ko hakilia, mo kaiga e!
Langit dan sang mentari,
The sky and the sun...
Jadi panduan.
... are going to be the guidance
Bahtera dikemudi,
The grand ships are steered
Demi harapan.
For the sake of the hopes
Menawan samudera,
To conquer the oceans
Mengenang dunia.
To know the world
Mengenal jiwa, jiwanya.
To know the soul, its soul
Aue, aue!
Aue, aue!
Laut pun diteroka,
The sea is discovered too
Pulau dijejak dalam haluan.
The tracked island is in the front
Aue, aue!
Aue, aue!
Laman nusa tak dilupa,
The gardens of the motherland will not be forgotten
Terserlah kerinduan,
The homesickness can be seen
Rentak hati!
The rhythm of the heart
Aue, aue!
Aue, aue!
Menjelajahi ikut panduan,
Exploring according to the guidance
Dalam hikayat pengembara malar segar berzaman.
As in the evergreen and timeless saga of the explorers
Aue, aue!
Aue, aue!
Te fenua, te mālie,
Te fenua, te mālie,
Nāe ko hakilia,
Nāe ko hakilia,
Rentak hati!
The rhythm of the heart