Translation of the song Johannes-Passion: Chor „Herr, unser Herrscher“ BWV 245 artist Johann Sebastian Bach
Johannes-Passion: Chor „Herr, unser Herrscher“ BWV 245
Lord, thou our Governor
Herr, unser Herrscher,
Lord, thou our Governor,
dessen Ruhm in allen Landen herrlich ist!
thou, whose fame in every nation glorious is!
Zeig uns durch deine Passion,
Show us through this thy Passion,
Dass du, der wahre Gottessohn,Zu aller Zeit,
That thou, the very Son of God, in every age,
Auch in der größten Niedrigkeit,
E'en in the greatest depths of woe,
Verherrlicht worden bist!
Most glorious art become!
Herr, unser Herrscher,...
Lord, thou our Governor...