Translation of the song Selv tak [You're Welcome] artist Moana (OST)


Selv tak [You're Welcome]

English translation

Thanks Yourself

Ha, ha, ha, okay, okay...

Ha, ha, ha, okay, okay...

Klart, nu' jeg med, det er stort

Sure, I get it now, it's great

Du ka' næsten ikke tro dit eget held

You almost can't believe your own luck

Du ved ikke, hvad du ska' sig'

You don't know what to say

Det' bedårende

It's adorable

Så I men'sker ligner stadigvæk jer selv

So you humans still look like yourselves

Svimler det lidt? Kom jeg for nær?

Are you a bit dizzy? Did I get too close?

Ja, det' virk'lig mig, det' Maui, træk dit vejr

Yes, it's really me, it's Maui, breath in

Det' vildt i close-up, det hård, den krop

It's incredible in a close up, the hair, the body

Pas nu på, du ik' får hjertestop

Be careful you won't get a cardiac arrest

Hva' ka' jeg sige mer', end selv tak?

What can I say other than thanks yourself?1

At få alt på plads var et hyr

Getting everything right was a hard task

Du' stum af taknemmelighed – men selv tak

You're mute from gratitude – but thanks yourself

Jeg' bar' en helt almind'lig halvgudsfyr

I'm just an ordinary demigod guy

Hey, hvem satte himlen på plads, hvor den er

Hey, who put the sky in place where it is

Før du ku' vralte rundt der? Ham her!

Before your could waddle around? This guy!

I den kolde nat, hvam skaffed' ilden?

I the cold night, who fetched you fire?

Prøv at gæt; du ved det, lille skat

Take a guess; you know it, sweetheart2

Så fanged' jeg solen med et torv – og selv tak

Then I caught the sun with a rope – and thanks yourself

Så du fik lys til fest og sjov

So that you got light for partying and fun

Og tæmmed' vind og blæsevejr

And tamed the wind and stormy weather

Og selv tak

And thanks yourself

Der puster ind i sejl og om træ'r

Blowing into sails and around trees

Jeg har kun to ord som svar, det' selv tak

I only have two words in response, it's thanks yourself

For de øer, jeg trak op af et hav

For the islands I pulled up from an ocean

Ska' ikke ha' løn, spar din bøn

I need no payment, save your prayer

Og selv tak

And thanks yourself

Det' nok, når jeg ka' se, du tænker wauw

It's enough when I can see that you think wow

Så selv tak! Ja, selv tak!

So thanks yourself! Yes, thanks yourself!

Men nu du lige spø'r

But now that you're asking

Du, jeg ku' da godt bli'e ved og ved

Hey, I could easily go on and on

Snakke i et år om naturens mangfoldighed

Talking for a year about the diversity of nature

Om vand og græs og jord

About water, grass and earth

Og det var Maui, der satte sit spor

And that was Maui leaving his mark

Dræbte en ål, begraved' dens kød

Killed an eel, buried its flesh

Så nu ka' du plukke en stor kokusnød

So now you can pluck a giant coconut

Hva' er moralen? Hva' mon du skal og bør?

What's the moral? You wonder what to do

Ikke dril' Maui, når han er i en fuld vigør

Don't tease Maui when he's in full swing

Se, jeg fejrer de sejre, jeg får!

See, I celebrate the victories I get!

Jeg har tusser fra nakke til lår!

I've got tats from neck to thigh!

Der' overalt folk, der klapper og hæpper!

Everywhere, people clap and cheer!

Se Mini-Maui, han er jo den vildeste stepper!

Look at Mini Maui, it turns out he's the most incredible stepdancer!

Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah, hah

Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah, hah



Jeg ved, hvad du tænker og si'r – og selv tak (Og selv tak)

I know what you're thinking and saying – and thanks yourself (And thanks yourself)

Fordi verden er blevet så fed

Because the world turned out so awesome

Du' stum af taknemmelighed – men selv tak (Men selv tak)

You're mute from gratitude – but thanks yourself (But thanks yourself)

Men hov, jeg må af sted, vi snakkes ved

But hey, I've got to go, talk to you later

Snart er det dig, der si'r selv tak (Selv tak)

Soon it's you who'll say thanks yourself (thanks yourself)

For nu snupper jeg din båd

'Cause I'll be snatching your boat now

I dag er det dig, der gi'r, og selv tak (Ja, selv tak)

Today, you're giving and thanks yourself (Yes, thanks yourself)

For Maui orker ik' at bli'e våd (Men selv tak)

'Cause Maui doesn't want to get wet (But thanks yourself)

Ja, selv tak (Ja, selv tak)

Yes, thanks yourself (Yes, thanks yourself)

Ja, selv tak...

Yes, thanks yourself...

Tak for båden!

Thanks for the boat!

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