Translation of the song Sjajim [Shiny] artist Moana (OST)
Sjajim [Shiny]
Pa, Tamatoa nije uvijek bio šik
Well, Tamatoa hasn't been chic always
Nekad sam baš bio jadan
I used to be very miserable
Sad u morskom kraju najljepši sam lik
Now I'm the most beautiful guy in the sea land
Ja sav sam predivan, dušo
I'm so beautiful, honey
Jel ti rek'o ko slušaj srca glas?
Did anyone tell you to listen to your heart?
Jer pravi put tu se krije
Because the right path is hiding there
Meni se povraća od toga isti čas
That makes me sick instantly
Jer to je laž!
Because it's a lie!
Ja patim na izgled!
I care only about my looks!
Kao zlatnik na dnu mora širim sjaj
I'm shining like a golden coin at the sea bottom
Ja sam taj, jer pazim na izgled!
I'm the one, because I take care about my looks!
Sav sam blistav kao okićen ženski vrat
I'm shiny like a decorated woman's neck
Slušaj sad!
Listen to me now!
Riblji soj skroz je glup, glup, glup
Fishes are so dumb, dumb, dumb
Razum gubit će zbog sjaja do kraja
They will completely lose their minds becaose of shine
Jer kad si tup, tup, tup brzo postaneš salata
Because when you're dumb, dumb, dumb you quickly become a salad
Mmm, riblja plata!
Mmm, fish food!
U mojoj mreži filetić svježi (Svježi)
There's a fresh fillet in my net (Fresh)
Gle, gle, gle
Look, look, look
Mali Maui sam sa sobom vodi rat
Little Maui is in war with himself
Taj mali ići-mići polubog, joj!
That little wannabe a demigod, oh my!
Kukav nije kao prije
He isn't a coward like he used to be
Pa moš kukat, kužiš?
So you can whine now, get it?
Što mi mašeš tu u prazno? Daj
Why are you waving at me in vain? Come on
Ipak priznam da sam davno kao mlad
Yet I admit that once when I was young
Zbog tetovaža po tebi na isti đir ja post'o umjetnički rad
I've looked up to your tattoos and became a masterpiece myself
I gle me sad, pa da!
And look at me now, oh yes!
Ja sav sjajim!
I'm shining!
K'o kad zvijezda bljeskom svojim krasi noć
Like a star that decorated the night with its shine
Gle tu moć!
Look at that power!
A moć je da sjajim!
And my power is shining!
Al' pod sjajem moj je oklop čvrst i jak
But under the shine mine shell is solid and strong
Baš mrak sam rak!
I'm one cool crab!
Maui, daj
Maui, come on
Maši baj, baj, baj
Wave bye, bye, bye
Znaju svi da neće polubog pobijedit oklopnog
Everybody knows that a demigod can't beat the armored one
M da
Oh yes
Čekaš kraj, kraj, kraj
You're waiting for the end
Pa prepusti se i reci bok
So let go and say bye
Tvoj ode rok
Your time is over
Ostavljen jednom ti davno si bio
Long time ago they've abandoned you
Pa silno se trudiš da ljudi te vole
So you're trying really hard to make people love you
Ja znam tvoju ćud
I know you very well
Možeš glumit, al' si mekan svud!
You're pretending to be strong, but you're actually very weak!
Maui, ajde više me ne davi!
Maui, stop bothering me already!
Na moj izgled ulog stavi!
Put a bet on my looks!
Sjajni rak će zadnje bit što vidiš ti
Shiny crab will be the last thing you're going to see
C'est la vie mon ami1
C'est la vie mon ami1
Sav sam sjajan
I'm so shiny
Ti si ručak, pa uvuci zadnji dah
You're the lunch, so take your one last breath
Pusti strah
Let the fear go
Ja patim tek na svoj izgled!
I care only about my looks
Je važan je samo izgled!
Because that's the only thing that matters!