Translation of the song Što dalje (Reprise) [How Far I'll Go (Reprise)] artist Moana (OST)
Što dalje (Reprise) [How Far I'll Go (Reprise)]
What’s further away (Reprise)
Gledam taj mora kraj ispred nas
I'm watching the end of the sea in front of us
Tamo moram!
And I have to go there!
Što dalje je to ne zna se!
It's unknown what is further away!
Ali znam što je moj zadatak sveti
But I know what is my mission
I ja krećem!
And I'm going!
Na prvi let
On the first flight
U novi svijet!
To a whole new world!
I da lutam čak vidim tajni znak!
And even if I get lost I will see a secret sign!
Izbor moj je lak, al' to ne zna svak!
My choice was easy, but not everybody knows that!
U svijet nepoznat
To a unknown world
Nikog ne smijem zvat kamo moram poć!
I'm not allowed to call anyone to go there with me!
Gledam taj staze sjaj što kroz noć sad svijetli!
Now I'm watching the path that is shining through the night!
I pratim put do bilo kud!
And I'm following it anywhere it goes!
Mjesec pun meni sja
Full moon shines for me
Vjetar mene sad nosi!
The wind carries me now!
I vrijeme je da saznam sve!
And now is the time to find out everything!