Translation of the song Ivdu artist Benny Friedman
Tov Hashem lakol,
Good is the Lord to ali
Tov tov Hashem lakol
Good, Good is the Lord to all
Tov Hashem lakol,
Good is the Lord to all
Tov tov Hashem lakol
Good, Good is the Lord to all
And your mercy
Verachamov al kol maasov
And his mercy is on all his works
Ivdu es Hashem besimcho
Serve the Lord with joy.
Boi lefanav bernanah.
Come before your presence with rejoicing
Boi lefanav bernanah nanah
Come before your presence with rejoicing
Tov Hashem lakol,
Good is the Lord to all
Tov tov Hashem lakol
Good, Good is the Lord to all
And your mercy
Verachamov al kol maasov
And his mercy is on all his works
Ivdu es Hashem besimcho
Serve the Lord with joy.
Boi lefanav bernanah.
Come before your presence with rejoicing
Boi lefanav bernanah nanah
Come before your presence with rejoicing