Translation of the song Što dalje [How Far I'll Go] artist Moana (OST)
Što dalje [How Far I'll Go]
What’s further away
Zašto stalno mene vuče to more?
Why is that sea constantly calling me?
Još od prvoga dana čujem samo pučinu
Ever since the first day I hear only the sea
Želim mirna biti tamo gore
I want to be in peace up there
Ale mir moj ruši more
But my peace is getting crushed by the sea
I vraćam se uvijek tu
And I'm always coming back here
I kad lutam čak vidim tajni znak
And even when I'm wandering around I see the secret sign
Moj je korak lak jer je jasan trag
My way is easy to pass because the trail is clear
Shvaćam isti tren put svoj zabranjen
I realize right away my forbidden path
Kamo žudim poć
Where I want to go
Gledam gdje ljubi se mora rub sa nebom!
I'm watching where the sea is kissing with the sky!
Što dalje je to ne zna se!
It's unknown what's further away!
Vjetar jak dat će mom jedru smjer kada krenem!
Strong wind will give the direction to my sail when I'll go!
Da saznam sve!
To get to know everything!
Tajne te ja ne znam kamo to vode me
I don't know where are those secrets leading me
Ja znam, svima nama ovaj otok pruža sreću
I know, this island provides happiness to all of us
Jer je otok siguran i dobro znan
Because the island is safe and well known
Svak zna što da čini za svoj otok
Everybody knows what to do for the island
Pa se be brinem o tom
So I don't worry about that
Zadatak ovaj dobro znam!
I know this task very well!
Biti tu za vas, snaga, mač i štit
Be here for you, power, sword and shield
Svima donijet spas, bit što moram bit
Bring salvation to everyone, be what I have to be
Al svoj pravi glas ja ne mogu krit!
But I can't hide my real voice!
Zašto teško je?
Why is it so hard?
Gledam trag koji sja svaki dan i blješti!
I'm watching the trail who is shining everyday!
Što dalje je to ne zna se!
It's unknown what's further away!
Svaki val ko da zove mene van na to more!
It's like every wave is calling me out to that sea!
Da saznam sve!
To get to know everything!
Iza linije što se krije te!
What's hiding behind that line!
Gledam gdje ljubi se mora rub sa nebom!
I'm watching where the sea is kissing with the sky!
Što dalje je to ne zna se!
It's unknown what's further away!
Vjetar jak dat će mom jedru smjer kada krenem!
Strong wind will give the direction to my sail when I'll go!
Da saznam sve!
To get to know everything!
Gdje zove me!
Where it's calling me!