Translation of the song Te Fiti [Know Who You Are] artist Moana (OST)
Te Fiti [Know Who You Are]
Te Fiti
Ou mata e matagi
Ou mata e matagi
J'ai franchi l'horizon pour te trouver
I broke through the horizon to find you
Ou loto mamaina toa
Ou loto mamaina toa
Je te connais
I know you
Manatu atu
Manatu atu
Ils ont détruit ton âme, volé ton cœur
They destroyed your soul, stole your heart
Taku pelepele
Taku pelepele
Et tu as eu tell'ment peur
And you’ve been so afraid
Moi je sais qui tu es
I know who you are
Et tu sais qui tu es
And you know who you are