Translation of the song Tu lugar [Where You Are] (Latin Spanish) artist Moana (OST)


Tu lugar [Where You Are] (Latin Spanish)

English translation

Your Place [Where You Are]

[Jefe Tui]:

[Chief Tui]:

Moana, aquí-aquí yo quiero que sepas ya

Moana, here-here I want you to know

que el pueblo de Motu Nui es tu lugar,

that the town of Moto Nui is your place

danzantes que ensayan hoy,

Dances that they teach today

el baile más ancestral,

The most ancestral dance

(¿por qué un nuevo son si el viejo es calidad?)

(Why use a new one if the old one works just fine)

Preservamos tradiciones

We preserve traditions

y mucho queda por realizar (aquí),

And much remains to do (here)

si llegas a tropezar es tu lugar.

If you come to stumble, it's your place

Lo nuestro es el compartir (aquí),

Our thing is sharing (here)

bromeamos tejiendo cestos (¡ajá!),

We joke while weaving baskets (aha!),

y los pescadores vuelven ya.

and the fishermen return



Los quiero ver...

I want to see them...

[Jefef Tui]:

[Chief Tui]:

¿A dónde vas? Moana, tu pueblo es este,

Where are you going? Moana, your town is this one,

un líder requerirá y allí estará...

it will require a leader and there you'll be...

[Jefef Tui y Sina]:

[Chief Tui and Sina]:

¡Al fin verás la felicidad llegar

At the end, you will see the happiness that will come

de donde eres si se da en tu lugar!

from where you are if you stay in your place!

[Jefef Tui]:

[Chief Tui]:

El coco regalos da (¿el qué?),

The coconut gives gifts (the what?),

el árbol feliz y cada parte repartirás

The happy tree and each part you will use

¿qué más pedir?

What more could you ask for?



Harás la red con sus fibras

You make the net with its fibers

(harás la red con sus fibras),

(you make the net with its fibers),

su agua tú beberás

You drink its water

(su agua tú beberás),

(you drink its water),

el fuego harás con sus palmas

You make fire with its palms

(el fuego harás con sus palmas),

(you make fire with its palms),

su carne te comerás

You eat its meat

(su carne te comerás).

(you eat its meat).

[Jefef Tui]:

[Chief Tui]:

El coco regalos da

The coconut gives gifts

(el coco regalos da),

(the coconut gives gifts)

del tronco al palmar,

from the trunk to the leaves

la isla todo nos lo da.

the island gives us everything



¿Y quién se va?...

And who leaves?

[Jefef Tui]:

[Chief Tui]:

Así es acá, seguro si bien servimos,

That's how it is here, we're safe and well provided

y el futuro que vemos tú estás,

and you are in the future that we see

muy bien te hará al aprender como dice:

It will do you well to learn what I say

[Jefef Tui y Sina]:

[Chief Tui and Sina]:

«tendrás felicidad en tu lugar»...

You will have happiness in your place



[Abuela Tala]:

[Grandma Tala]:

Bailar me gusta en el agua

I like to dance in the water

en el oleaje del mar,

In the waves of the sea

traviesa el agua es,

The water is naughty

¡ah, qué bien que se porte mal!

Ah! How good it is that it misbehaves!

El pueblo me cree una loca,

The town thinks I'm crazy

que lejos mi mente va,

how far my mind goes

tu búsqueda llega donde

your search will take you to where

es tu lugar....

your place is...

Ser hija de tu padre altivez te da,

You're your father's daughter, he gives you pride

mucho te dio, mas recuerda

He gave you a lot, and remember

tu vos interior oirás,

to listen to the voice inside you

y cuando la voz susurra:

and when the voice whispers

«persigue a tu estrella ya»

follow your star

Moana, esa voz interna

Moana, that voice inside you

eres tú...

is you...





Harás la red con sus fibras

You make the net with its fibers

(harás la red con sus fibras),

(you make the net with its fibers),

su agua tú beberás

You drink its water

(un fresco sabor te da),

(it gives you a fresh taste),

el fuego harás con sus palmas

You make fire with its palms

(a todos los campos frescos),

(for all the fresh fields),

su carne te comerás

You eat its meat

(por dentro nos da el pan).

(inside it gives us bread).

[Jefef Tui]:

[Chief Tui]:

El pueblo nos da su fe, (uh, ajá),

The town gives us their faith (uh, aha),

el pueblo nos da...

the town gives it to us...

la isla todo nos lo da,

All of the island gives us their faith

¿y quién se va?...

And who leaves?



Me quedaré, mi hogar,

I will stay, my home

mi gente a mi lado,

my people at my side

y cuando piense en mañana

and when I think of tomorrow

(nos tendrás)

(you will have us)

y los guiaré, también mi gente me guía

And I will guide them, and my people will guide me

hacia el futuro unidos,

Towards a united future


To move forward!*

porque el camino lleva a- (tu lugar),

Because the path always brings you to (your place)

serás feliz siempre en- (tu lugar)

You will always be happy in (your place)

(Tu lugar...)

(Your place...)

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