Translation of the song Tuha'a pihi [How Far I'll Go (Reprise)] artist Moana (OST)
Tuha'a pihi [How Far I'll Go (Reprise)]
By the ocean
E 'Ia tau tō mata i te hiti o te ra'i
With my eyes set upon the edge of heaven
E hoe tātou, e hoe tāmau
We are one, we paddle on
'Ātīrā i te feruri 'a mau i tō hoe
Just think about it and hold your paddle
E fano nā te tai-nui
Sail by the universal whistle
Nā te arati'a, nā te 'ē'ati'a
Follow the way, go by the way
'Ua ineine au, e tāmau noa vau
I’m ready, I’ll just stick to it
Te 'avei'a te ora
This is the compass of life
E fano noa ā vau, ātea noa atu ā
If I just go for it, I will be fine
Tūrama tō vārua i te 'ē'a, fa'a'ite mai
Spirit, illuminate the way, guide me
'A pe'e mai 'e 'a fano
I’m following you as I sail
'Ia hau noa tō tere nā te 'ana o te ra'i
Travel with me safely the caves of heaven
E arata'i nā te moana
Lead by the ocean