Translation of the song Drink doch ene met artist Bläck Fööss
Drink doch ene met
Have a Drink With Us
Ne ahle Mann steit vür d‘r Weetschaftsdüür,
There's an old man standing outside the pub's door
der su jän ens einen drinken dät.
Who would just love to have a drink.
Doch hä hät vill ze winnich Jeld,
But the money he holds proves to be way too little
su lang hä och zällt.
No matter how long he counts it
En d'r Weetschaff es die Stemmung jroß,
Inside the pub people are having a ball
ävver keiner süht dä ahle Mann.
But nodody gives heed of that old man.
Doch do kütt einer met enem Bier
Except for one guy who spends him a glass of beer
un sprich en einfach an:
And starts talking to him:
Drink doch eine met, stell dich nit esu aan!
Have a drink with us, don't be embarrassed
Du steis he de janze Zick eröm.
All you do is standing around here the whole time.
Häs de och kei Jeld, dat es janz ejal.
If you have no money, that's not a problem
Drink doch met un kümmer dich nit dröm.
Have a drink with us, and don't worry about it
Su mancher sitz vielleich allein zo Hus,
So many people probably sit at home alone
dä su jän ens widder laachen dät.
Who just crave to have a good time again.
Janz heimlich, do waat hä nur do drop,
Deep inside they are just waiting for somebody
dat einer zu im sät:
To come and say to them: