Translation of the song En d'r Kayjass Nummer Null artist Bläck Fööss

German (Kölsch)

En d'r Kayjass Nummer Null

English translation

At Kay Lane Number Zero

En d'r Kayjass Nummero Null

At Kay Lane number zero

steit en steinahl Schull,

There's a very old school

Un do hammer dren studiert.

That's where we studied

Unsere Lehrer, dä hieß Welsch,

Our teacher's name was Welsch

sproch e unverfälschtes Kölsch

He spoke real Cologne dialect

Un do hammer bei jeliehrt.

And that's the language we studied in

Joh un mer han off hin un her üvverlaat

And we were trying to remember

un han för dä Lehrer jesaat:

And told the teacher:



Nä, nä, dat wesse mer nit mih, janz bestemp nit mih,

No, no, we don't remember that, definitely don't remember that

Un dat hammer nit studiert.

That's not what we learned

Denn mer woren beim Lehrer Welsch en d'r Klass

For we were in the class of teacher Welsch

Do hammer sujet nit jeliehrt.

And he didn't teach us any of that

Dreimol Null es Null es Null

Three times zero is zero remains zero

Denn mer woren en d'r Kayjass en d'r Schull

For we went to school at Kay Lane

Dreimol Null es Null es Null

Three times zero is zero remains zero

Denn mer woren en d'r Kayjass en d'r Schull

For we went to school at Kay Lane

Es en Schiev kapott,

Whenever there's a window broken

es ene Müllemmer fott,

Or a trash can is missing

hät d'r Hungk am Stätz en Dos.

Or the dog has a can tied to his tail

Kütt ene Schutzmann anjerannt,

A policeman came a-running

hät uns sechs dann usjeschannt,

And scolded the six of us

sät: Wat maat ihr sechs dann bloß?

And said What do you six boys think you're doing?

Joh un do hammer widder hin un her üvverlaat

And again we were trying to remember

un han för dä Schutzmann jesaat:

And told the policeman:



Neulich kräät uns en d'r Jass

The other day down the lane

die Frau Kääzmanns beim Fraass,

Ms Kääzmanns stopped us in our tracks

sät: Wo lauft ihr sechs bloß hin?

And said Where do you six boys think you're running?

Uns Marieche sitz zo Hus,

Our daughter Mary is sitting at home

weiss nit en un weiss nit us!

And doesn't know what to do!

Einer muss d'r Vatter sin!

Someone has got to be the father!

Joh un do hammer ald widder hin un her üvverlaat

And again we were trying to remember

un han för die Kääzmanns jesaat:

And told Ms Kääzmann:

(Liev Frau Kääzmann....)

(Dear Ms Kääzmann...)



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