Translation of the song Lange Samstag en d'r City artist Bläck Fööss
Lange Samstag en d'r City
Long Saturday in the city's center
Lange Samstag en d'r City
Long Saturday in the city's center
Pap un Mam, die jon mem Titti
Dad and mom go with the kiddy
Tata, teita durch de Stadt
Walking trough the town
Weil et Jeld jejeben hat.
Because they have received money
Lange Samstag en d'r City
Long Saturday in the city's center
Laut am blöke es et Titti
Kiddy is crying loud
Et will noch en Currywoosch
He/She wants another curry sausage
un et hät och jroßen Doosch.
And he/she also has a big thirst
En d'r Stadt es Remmi Demmi
There's a rave-up in the city
Alle Parkhüser sin voll
All the parking decks are full
Üvverall nur Minschemasse
Everywhere only masses of people
un die kaufen hück wie doll
And today they shop like crazy
Ne kleine Panz dä es am kriesche
A little child is crying
De Frau Schmitz sök ihr Marieche
Ms. Smith is seeking her little Mary
Stauung an 'ner Frittebud
Conjestion at the chippy
Denn Fritte schmecken immer jut.
Because fries are always yummy
Lange Samstag en d'r City...
Long Saturday in the city's center...
Titti will e Püppche habe
Kiddy wants to have a little doll
Froch d‘r Papp sät drop de Mam
Ask dad says mom
Doch dä dät dat üvverhüre
But he doesn't even listen
Titti fängk zo brölle an
Kiddy starts crying
Öm vier Uhr jon se Kaffee drinke
At four o'clock they go have some coffee
Titti es ald leich am stinke
Kiddy is smelling a bit
Och de Mam die kann nit mih
Mom is also tired
D'r Pap dä zällt sing letzte Flüh
Dad is counting his last dough
Lange Samstag en d'r City
Long Saturday in the city's center
Pap un Mam, die jon mem Titti
Dad and mom go with the kiddy
Tata, teita durch de Stadt
Walking trough the town
Nur weil et Jeld jejeben hat.
Because they have received money
Lange Samstag en d'r City
Long Saturday in the city's center
Fass am schlofe es et Titti
Kiddy is almost sleeping
Doch noch em Draum sät et janz leis:
But still in his dream he/she says very silently:
Titti well Vanilleeis
Kiddy wants a vanilla ice cream