Translation of the song Mir schenke der Ahl e paa Blömcher artist Bläck Fööss
Mir schenke der Ahl e paa Blömcher
We all give the old lady some flowers
Em janze Veedel es die ahl Frau Schmitz bekannt.
The old Mrs. Schmitz is known in the whole neighborhood.
Se weed vun allen nur et Schmitze Bell jenannt.
Everybody just calls her the Schmitze Bell.
Die hätt nit viel, es nit besonders rich
She doesn't have a lot, she's not so rich
Un hätt noch lang nit jede Meddaach Fleisch om Desch.
And she doesn't have every day meat on the table.
Nur ein Deil jit et, wo se Freud' dran hätt:
There is only one thing, she really enjoys:
Dat sinn die Blömscher op ihrem Finsterbrett.
That's the flowers on her windowsill.
Mer schenke dä Ahl en paar Blömscher
We all give the old lady some flowers
e paar Blömscher für ihr Finsterbrett.
Some flowers for her windowsill.
Mer schenke ihr e paar Blömscher,
We all give her some flowers,
denn die ahl Frau Schmitz, die es esu nett.
Because the old Mrs. Schmitz is so nice.
Un klopp och öfters ens 'ne Ärme an ihr Dür,
And even if now and then a poor knocks on her door,
Dat se janix jitt, ich jläuv dat kütt nit vür.
I think it never occurs, that she won't give nothing.
Un se es och nit rich, es keine Milljonär,
And she's not so rich, is not a millionaire,
Jet zo verschenke, dat fällt ihr jar nit schwer,
But to give away something is not hard for her,
Un sinn et nur zehn Penning un nit mih.
Even if its ony 10 p and not more.
Dovür hät se ävver unsre Sympathie.
Therefore she has our sypathy.
Un es die ahl Frau Schmitz ens einmol nit mih do,
And if one day the old Mrs. Schmitz isn't there any more,
Dann deit dat manchem wih, dat es doch klor.
It will hurt some of us, that is for sure.
Un wor se och nit rich, hatt net besonders vill,
And even if she wasn't so rich, didn't have a lot,
Su wor se doch für uns all et Schmitze Bell.
She was for us the Schmitze Bell.
Un wenn für sie och längs kein Blom mih blöht.
And even if there are no more flowers blooming for her
Dann singe mer für sie noch ens dat Leed:
We all will still sing this song for her:
[2x Refrain]
(2x refrain)