Translation of the song Nix es ömesöns artist Bläck Fööss
Nix es ömesöns
Nothing is for free
Chor: Nix es ömesöns, nix es ömesöns,
Choir: Nothing is for free, nothing is for free,
Keen Bier, keen Flöns
No beer, no blood sausage
Nix es ömesöns. ( 3mal)
Nothing is for free. (3X)
Pastor: Danke, danke, danke, danke.
Pastor: Thanks, thanks, thanks.
Liebe Trauergemeinde,
Dear mourners,
Do Weet hätt singe besste Jast verloore!
The innkeeper has lost his best customer!
Do Nubbel es em jelobte Land.
The Nubbel is in the Promised Land.
Chor: (Refrain)
Choir: (Refrain)
Pastor: En veedel Stund wo her dout
Pastor: He had been dead for a quarter of an hour
Do ens fiel em et Jlas us er Hand.
Only then the glas fell off his hand.
Chor: (Refrain)
Choir: (Refrain)
Pastor: Als er dann keen neu Bier mih bestallt hätt
Pastor: Then, as he didn't order a new beer
do han se et schließlich fassjestallt
They finally realized
dat hä schon op dem Wäch in Jottes Häng wor.
that he was already on his way into God's Hands.
Chor: (Refrain)
Choir: (Refrain)
Pastor: Do Häns am Tresen nevven imm
Pastor: John, sitting at the bar beside him
shutt vör Schreck enen Asbach öm.
slopped an Asbach* with shock.
Chor: Oh dat jute Zeuch, dat jute Zeuch!
Choir: Oh, that good stuff, that good stuff!
Pastor: Woröm müsse die Beste am eenste jonn?
Pastor: Why do the best have to leave first?
Woröm hätt eh uns dat anjedonn?
Why did he do that to us?
Chor: (Refrain)
Choir: (Refrain)
Pastor: Danke, danke.
Pastor: Thanks, thanks.
Wolle mer den Nubbel jetz begraabe?
Shall we now bury the Nubbel?
Chor: Nä, don mer lieber noch jet waade.
Choir: Nay, let's better wait a bit more.
Pastor: Tu Nubbulus, Homo rectu in Spiritus sanctus klaptus
Pastor: Tu Nubbulus, Homo rectu in Spiritus sanctus klaptus
Wat wor unsre Nubbel für ne Minsch?
What kind of a man was our Nubbel?
(Chor schimpft.)
(Choir scolding)
Pastor: Kanister voll cum Spiritus
Pastor: Canister full with spirit
Sanctus Magister in Delirio.
Saint Magister in delirium.
Chor: Amen
Choir: Amen
Pastor: Wir erinnern uns:
Pastor: We remember:
Du häss uns so viel Freud gemaat
You pleased us so much
Liechst stief jetzt up do Totelaach
Laying now stiff on the slab
Lässt Bier, Schabau, Jespritzte stonn?
Leave beer, schnaps, spritz behind?
Dat hättste im Läven nie jedonn.
You would never have done it in your life.
Ding Lieblingswötche dat wor Prost
Your favotite word was Cheers
Ding Levver wor dreimal so jroß
Your livver was three times bigger
Mit dir zo drinke wor en Welt
To drink with you was a special thing
Nur ex und hopp un neu bestellt.
Only chug-a-lug and ordering the next.
Du häss so jern de Trumm geklopp
You loved to beat the drum
Häss och de Mädcher jern jepo...( Chor Schreit auf)
And also loved the girls for fu...(Choir cries out)
Du häss jelävt su wie ne Stänz
You lived like a bon vivant
Daachs all dat wör für ömesöns.
Thougt all this was for free.
Kams immer mit de Schmier jut us
You always were on good terms with the police
Die woren off bei dir zu Huss
Many times they were at your home
Soß öfter schon em Klingelpütz
From time to time you have been in prison
Mit dingem echte kölsche Hätz.
With your true cologne heart
Tu Nubbulus, tu Nubbulus,
Tu Nubbulus, tu Nubbulus,
Du ärme Sau im Himmel
Poor guy in heaven
Kein Bierchen mieh und keine Schabau
No more beer and no more schnaps
Jetz küsste endlich ens zur Rau.
Now you finally are at rest
P.: Kanister voll cum Spirito.
P: Canister full with spirit
C.: Magister in Delirio.
C: Magister in delirium.
P.: Ich han mieh Quantum Spiritus.
P: I have my quantum of spirit.
C.: Doh siehste ävver och noh us.
C: You really look like that.
Chor: Et jiet kien Frikadelle mieh,
Choir: There are no more meatballs,
Et jiet kien Frikadelle mieh,
There are no more meatballs,
Dat Huhn, dat leit keen Eier mieh
The hen stopped laying eggs
Dem Huhn, dem deit de Fut esu wieh.
The hen's bottoms are hurting so much.
P.: Ja, Amen, Amen
P: Yes, Amen, Amen
Serena cum Politius.
Siren with police
C.: Promille Tante Blasius.
C: Legal limit Aunt breath test.
P.: Jetz joht eh schön zu Fuß noh Hus.
P: Now you all go home on foot.
C.: Sönst Ossendorf in Knastibus,
C: Otherwise prison in Ossendorf*
P.: Lektamus Jes am Aasch.
P: We lick Jesse's ass.
C.: Amen
C: Amen
P.: Gehet nun Heim in Frieden,
P: Now walk back home in peace,
Lasst uns noch ein kleines sensibles Liedchen singen:
Let's sing a little, sensible song
Jo dat Lääve dat jeht wigger
Yes, life goes on
Janz ejal wie man 't och nimmt
No matter how you look at it
Dat letzte Hemd dat hätt keen Täsche
The last shirt has no pockets
Et dicke End dat kütt janz bestimmt.
The big end comes for sure