Translation of the song Pänz, Pänz, Pänz artist Bläck Fööss
Pänz, Pänz, Pänz
Kids, kids, kids
Spille mer im Huus oder och em Keller,
Playing in the house or even in the cellar
Et es janz ejal wie mer et mäht,
It doesn't matter how one does it,
Ob mer sich nu zänk oder leis deit schwade,
If one is quarreling or talking in a low voice
Kütt dann janz bestemmp ener dä sät:
Someone comes for sure and says:
Pänz, Pänz wo mer jeit un steit nur Pänz, Pänz, Pänz
Kids, kids, all over the place only kids, kids, kids
Maat üch fott, he hat ehr nix verloore
Get lost, here is no place for you
Ihr verdammte Pänz
You damned kids
Ihr verdammte Pänz
You damned kids
Spille mer em Park in der Jrönanlaare
When we are playing in the park in the green area
Schmieße decke Stein in d'r Rhing erin
And are throwing big stones into the Rhine
Jo do bruche mir nit lang ze waade
Well, we don't have to wait too long
Un et kütt von bovve widder die Stemm:
And from above comes this voice again:
Pänz, Pänz wo mer jeit un steit nur Pänz, Pänz, Pänz
Kids, kids, all over the place only kids, kids, kids
Maat üch fott, he hat ehr nix verloore
Get lost, here is no place for you
Ihr verdammte Pänz
You damned kids
Ihr verdammte Pänz
You damned kids
Einmol em Johr ävver is et anders,
But once a year it is different
Wenn d'r Papp d'r hillije Mann mäht.
When dad plays the holy man*
Dann sin mer de leevste Pänz op Ääde
Then we are the sweetest kids on earth
Un et jitt keen Minsch dä zu ons sät:
And there is noone who tells us:
Pänz, Pänz wo mer jeit un steit nur Pänz, Pänz, Pänz
Kids, kids, all over the place only kids, kids, kids
Maat üch fott, he hat ehr nix verloore
Get lost, here is no place for you
Ihr verdammte Pänz
You damned kids
Ihr verdammte Pänz
You damned kids
Dreckelige Pänz
Dirty kids