Translation of the song Ucapkan [You're Welcome] artist Moana (OST)


Ucapkan [You're Welcome]

English translation

Just Say It

Kutahu fikiranmu

I know your thought

Kehebatanku mengujakanmu sampai lidah jadi kelu

My greatness excites you until you are dumbstruck

Oh, memang comel!

Oh, how cute this is!

Ya, manusia masih tak berubah

Yes, humans still never change

Buka mata dan dengar

Open your eyes and listen

Memang saya 'ni Si Maui, tengoklah

It is really me, this is the only Maui, look at me

Betapa hebat, rambut, badan

How great my hair and body are

Sifat dewa yang mengagumkan

The traits of a deity that amaze you

Amat sukar engkau ucapkan penghargaan padaku

It is difficult for you to give me some appreciation sayings

Tak mengapa, tak perlu

It is okay, I do not need it


Just say it

Kuhanyalah dewa yang biasa

I am only an ordinary god

Hei, siapa yang meredupkan langit dari panas cahaya?

Hey, who is the one that gives you a shade of the sky from heat and light?


It is me

Dan dingin malam, siapa menghangatkanmu?

And the cold of the night, who is the one that keeps you warm?

Mestilah saya yo

Of course, it is me, yo

Oh, mentari daku ikat!

Oh, I am the one who ties the sun!


Just say it

Siang pasti jadi hebat

The day is going to be great

Dan kumeniup bayu

And I blow the breeze


Just say it

Melayarkan bahteramu

To help you sail your ship

Mengapa sukar engkau ucapkan atas jasa membentuk bumi?

Why is it difficult for you to just say it as it is my noble deed to form the earth?

Tak perlu risau atau ucapkan

Do not have to worry or just say it

Ku tak harapkan kata pujian

I do not need any praises


Just say it


Just say it

Tapi aku rasa

But I think

Ya, banyak boleh kuceritakan, menerangkan tentang alam kejadian

Yes, there are many things that I can tell and explain the realm and its creation

Ombak, rumput, danau

Waves, grasses, lakes

Oh, itu Maui cuma bergurau!

Oh, that is just Maui that just jokes around

Kutangkap belut lalu kutanam

I caught an eel then I buried it

Muncul pokok kelapa menjulang

Then a tall coconut tree emerged

Kau faham tak tentang lagu ini?

Do you understand this song?

Jangan ganggu Maui yang sedang bercuti

Do not disturb Maui who is on a vacation

Dengan badan yang penuh tatu

With the body that is full of tattoos

Lambang peta kemenanganku

The map of my victories

Kau lihatlah, semua yang kuubah

You just see it, everything that I change

Tengoklah, si mini Maui bertickety tappin'

Look at this mini Maui who is tickety-tapping

Ha ha ha ha ha ha hei

Ha ha ha ha ha ha hey

Apa pun biar aku ucapkan

Nevertheless, let me say it

Kubangga dengan diriku

I am proud of myself

Hei, tak apa, tak apa

Hey, it is okay, it is okay


Just say it

Dah sampai masa kupergi dulu

It is time for me to go first

Hei, biarlah aku ucapkan

Hey, let me say it

Daku perlukan botmu, berlayar jauh-jauh

I need your boat to sail as far as possible


Just say it

Si Maui dah lama tak naik bot

The only Maui has not been on a boat for a long time


Just say it


Just say it

Terima kasih

Thank you

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