Translation of the song We Know The Way artist Moana (OST)
We Know The Way
We Know The Way
Tatou o tagata folau e vala’auina
We are voyagers summoned by the mighty gods,
E le atua o le sami tele e o mai
Of this mighty ocean to come,
Ia ava’e le lu’itau e lelei
We take up the good challenge,
Get ready.
Aue, aue
Oh! oh!
Nuku i mua
There is land up ahead,
Te manulele e tataki e
A bird in flight to take us there,
Aue, aue
Oh! oh!
te fenua, te malie,
This beautiful land, The place i was looking for,
Nae ko hakilia mo kaiga e.
We will make our home.
We read the wind and the sky
We read the wind and the sky
When the sun is high
When the sun is high
We sail the length of sea
We sail the length of sea
On the ocean breeze
On the ocean breeze
At night we name every star
At night we name every star
We know where we are
We know where we are
We know who we are, who we are
We know who we are, who we are
Aue, aue,
Aue, aue,
We set a course to find
We set a course to find
A brand new island everywhere we row,
A brand new island everywhere we row,
Aue, aue,
Aue, aue,
We keep our island in our mind
We keep our island in our mind
And when it’s time to find home,
And when it’s time to find home,
We know the way.
We know the way.
Aue, aue,
Aue, aue,
we are explorers reading every sign
We are explorers reading every sign
we tell the stories of our elders
We tell the stories of our elders
in the never ending chain
In the never ending chain,
Aue, aue
Aue, aue,
te fenua, te malie,
This beautiful land,
Nae ko hakilia
The place i was looking for,
We know the way
We know the way.