Translation of the song Zaboravi artist Tropico Band
Nisi više ti, mila
My dear, you now don't mean
ono što si mi bila
what you used to mean to me
gledaj kako sad letim
look at me how I'm flying now
tebe čak ni da se setim
I can't even think of remembering you
Opet verujem u sebe
I believe in myself again
otkad ne mislim na tebe
ever since I stopped thinking about you
i sve što mi srcu prija
and everything which pleases my heart
tebe ubija
kills you
Zaboravi da snove sam ti dao
Forget that I gave you my dreams
jer u njima nisi ti
because you're not in them
zaboravi, ma oduvek sam znao
forget it, well I've always known
da ćeš da me ostaviš
that you'd leave me
Zaboravi da zaplačeš za nama
Forget to cry about us
nije tužan svaki kraj
not every ending is sad
ti nikad nisi bila ona prava
you never we're the one
ni ja nisam, lutko, taj
nor am I, my dear, the one for you
Nisi više ti meni
My whole world doesn't
ceo svet u jednoj ženi
revolve around you anymore
uspeo sam da prebolim
I've succeeded to get over you
a da ništa me ne boli
without it hurting me at all
Opet mi je nebo plavo
The sky is blue again
i sve kao nekad ravno
and everything is how it used to be
a to što mi srcu prija
and that which pleases my heart
tebe ubija
kills you