Translation of the song Þú veist hver þú ert [Know Who You Are] artist Moana (OST)


Þú veist hver þú ert [Know Who You Are]

English translation

Know who you are

(Ou mata e matagi)

(Your eyes so full of wonder)

Yfir sjóndeildarhring leitaði að þér

I sought you across the horizon

(Ou loto mamaina toa)

(Your heart, an innocent warrior)

Ég veit þitt nafn

I know your name

(Manatu atu)

(My dearest one)

Og þau hnupluðu hjartanu úr þér

And they theived your heart from you

(Taku pelepele)

(There's a task for you)

En þetta lýsir ei þér

But this does not delineate you


(And your deep thougts)

Þetta ert ekki þú

This not you

Þú veist hver þú ert

You know who you are

Hver þú erti rauninni

Who you really are

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