Translation of the song L'impasse artist Amir
Dead end
J'ai pas vu l'impasse
I didn't see the dead end
Dans laquelle ton cœur s'est caché
in which your heart went into hiding.
Nos jours qui s'entassent
Maybe I was a bit overwhelmed
M'ont peut-être un peu dépassé
by the piling up of our days.
Mais, si tu me dis que ça fait mal
Now if you tell me that hurts
Je te répondrai que c'est banal
I'll tell you that's quite common,
Même si c'est triste à en crever .
even though that's horribly sad.
Peut-être que dans un monde idéal
Maybe in your ideal world
On pourrait éviter les balles
we could dodge the bullets
Que la vie s'amuse à tirer
life fancies to shoot at us.
Ooh all along that way
Ooh all along that way
Looking for the safest distance
Looking for the safest distance
Trying to keep up the pace
Trying to keep up the pace
Don't you be afraid
Don't you be afraid
I'll be there to save you
I'll be there to save you
Come on mate
Come on mate
J'ai pas vu la glace
I didn't see the ice
Dans laquelle ton cœur s'est figé.
in which your heart got frozen.
Les boulevards que l'on trace
The boulevards we draw
Parfois nous mènent Place des Regrets
sometimes lead us to the Square of Regrets.
Mais, si je te dis que la distance
Still, if I tell you that distance,
Malgré le jeu des apparences
regardless of the games of pretend
N'a jamais blanchi nos couleurs,
never bleached our colours,
Réponds-moi que c'est pas perdu d'avance
tell me that all is not already lost,
Qu'on a qu'à mettre un peu d'essence
that we just have to add some more fuel
Pour relancer le bonheur
to start up happiness again.
Ooh all along that way
Ooh all along that way
Looking for the safest distance
Looking for the safest distance
Trying to keep up the pace
Trying to keep up the pace
Don't you be afraid
Don't you be afraid
I'll be there to save you
I'll be there to save you
Come on mate
Come on mate
Ooh all along the way
Ooh all along the way
Only speed that has no limit
Only speed that has no limit
You are the risk i wanna take
You are the risk i wanna take
Ooh don't you be afraid
Ooh don't you be afraid
I'm making sure our hearts will never break
I'm making sure our hearts will never break
On n'a plus de roue de secours
We have no spare tire left,
On n'a plus d'autres recours
we have no other solution left
Que d'rouler mêmes si c'est bancal
but to drive on, even lopsided,
Faire une histoire pas idéal
building a story that although not ideal
Mais qui y a le mérite d'exister
has at least the merit of existing,
De subsister de résister
surviving and enduring.
On a d'jolis champs de bataille
We have nice battlefields ahead of us.
Ooh Ooh
Ooh Ooh
Ooh Ooh
Ooh Ooh
Ooh all along the way
Ooh all along the way
Looking for the safest distance
Looking for the safest distance
Trying to keep up the pace
Trying to keep up the pace
Ooh don't you be afraid
Ooh don't you be afraid
I'll be there to save you
I'll be there to save you
Come on mate
Come on mate
I'm making sure our hearts will never break
I'm making sure our hearts will never break