Translation of the song Caronte artist Alba Reche



English translation


Me hiciste preguntarme

You made me ask myself

Si era verdad mi amor

If my love was true

Por la vida y el color

For life and the colour

Por el trazo, el sabor

For the line, the taste

Vendi mi alma, no hubo opción

I sold my soul, there was no option

Sentí como reían

I felt how they laughed

A oscuras les vi asomar

In the dark I saw them appear

Por el cristal

Through the cristal

Acechaban en penumbra

They were spying on in the shadows

Con focos con luz del mal

With spotlights with an evil light

No hubo opción

There was no option

Para que bailaba

For what was I dancing

Para quien cantaba

For whom was I singing

Para tus sucios trapos

For your dirty rags

Pa' tus mentiras claras

For your clear lies

Baile muchas más noches

I danced much more nights

Te canté hasta que me ahogue

I sang to you until I drowned

Te tapabas los oídos como si no pudieras ver

You covered your ears as if you couldn't see

Por verte y no sentir que era barato

To see you and not feel that it was cheap

Comprar mi amor

To buy my love

El valor

The value

Con focos, con luz del mal

With spotlights with an evil light

No hubo opción

There was no option

Para que bailaba

For what was I dancing

Para quien cantaba

For whom was I singing

Para tus sucios trapos

For your dirty rags

Pa' tus mentiras claras

For your clear lies

Para que bailaba

For what was I dancing

Para quien cantaba

For whom was I singing

Para tus sucios trapos

For your dirty rags

Pa' tus mentiras claras

For your clear lies

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