Translation of the song flor alta artist Alba Reche


flor alta

English translation

high flower

Vuelvo a respirar a la ciudad que quema

I breathe again at the city that burns

sé que me fui,

I know that I left

tu color no llega, no veta

Your colour doesn't arrive, doesn't look after

no,no,no, no tengo miedo

I'm not, not, not afraid

a tu encuentro siento que parto de cero

When I meet you, I feel like I start from zero

pido perdón por marcharme

I apologise for leaving

vuelvo a ti para entregarme

I come back to you to surrender

amb la terra jo me'n vaig sense

With the earth I leave without

oblidar que el temp es d'ella

forgetting that time is hers.

encara que no esté a favor,

Even if it's not in favour,

sempre s'entrega

it always surrenders.

amb la tera jo m'ne vaige sense

With the earth I leave without

oblidar que el temp es d'ella

forgetting that time is hers.

encara que no esté a favor,

Even if it's not in favour,

sempre s'entrega

it always surrenders.

torne a respirar a la ciutat que vetla

I breathe again at the city that looks after

Sé que vaig fugir, ara em sent menys freda,

I know that I ran away, now I feel less cold

no crema

It doesn't burn

No, no, no, no tengo miedo

I'm not, not, not afraid

A tu encuentro siento que parto de cero

When I meet you, I feel like I start from zero

Pido perdón por marcharme

I apologise for leaving

Vengo a ti para entregarme

I come back to you to surrender

Amb la terra jo me'n vaig sense oblidar que el temps es d'ella,

With the earth I leave without forgetting that time is hers,

és d'ella

it's hers.

Encara que no esté a favor,

Even if it's not in favour,

sempre s'entrega

it always surrenders.

Toco tierra firme

I touch solid ground

Me hace sentir eterna

It makes me feel eternal

La inmensidad se vuelve pequeña

The immensity becomes small

Aún no siendo nada

I still don't feel anything

Con la cabeza baja

With the low head

Siempre me enseña

It always teaches me

No reprocha nada

Doesn't reproach anything

Amb la terra jo me'n vaig sense oblidar

With the earth I leave without forgetting

que el temps es d'ella,

That time is hers,

és d'ella

it's hers.

Encara que no esté a favor,

Even if it's not in favour,

sempre s'entrega

it always surrenders.


It surrenders

Amb la terra jo me'n vaig sense oblidar

With the earth I leave without forgetting

que el temps es d'ella,

That time is hers,

és d'ella

it's hers.

Encara que no esté a favor,

Even if it's not in favour,

sempre s'entrega

it always surrenders.

Amb la terra jo me'n vaig sense oblidar

With the earth I leave without forgetting

que el temps es d'ella,

That time is hers,

és d'ella

it's hers.

Encara que no esté a favor,

Even if it's not in favour,

sempre s'entrega

it always surrenders.

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