Translation of the song COPILULE artist Unknown Artist (Romanian)



English translation


copilule strain, al nu stiu cui,

strange child, of noone i know,

copilule intilnit pur si simplu pe strada,

child met simply on the street,

de ce plingi cu atita putere?

why do you cry with so much power?

lacrimile tale imi destrama inima

your tears are crumbling my heart

ca acidul sulfuric, ca disperarea.

like the sulfuric acid, like the despair.

nu-ti varsa toate lacrimile,

don't spill all your tears,

vei avea nevoie si mai tirziu.

you'll need them later also.

pastreaza-ti o lacrima pentru prima iubire,

keep a tear for your first love,

una pentru intiia infringere,

one for the first defeat,

alta pentru intiiele nedreptati...

another for the first unjustices...

si tot asa,

and so on,

calculeaza probabilitatea

calculate the probability

a toate ce ti s-ar putea intimpla

of all that might happen to you

si pune cite-o lacrima deoparte.

and put away for each one tear.

vei vedea ce putin plins iti va ramine

you'll see how less cry it will remain to you

pentru ora aceasta-ntristata,

for this sad hour,

ti se va reaminti risul, surisul,

it will be reminded to you the laugh, the smile,

otelindu-te intr-o hiperputere

steeling you in a hyperpower

nici intr-un fel aparata

in no way defended

de virstele tale viitoare, distincte,

of your future ages, single,

trepte-ntr-o ciorba numita viata

steps in a soup called life

pe care ai s-o gusti,

which you'll taste,

ai s-o digeri

you'll digest

sau ai s-o lasi neterminata,

or you'll let it unfinished,

in orice caz compozitia ei

in any case her composition

n-ai s-o intelegi niciodata...

you'll never understand...

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