Translation of the song Doine (fragmente) artist Unknown Artist (Romanian)
Doine (fragmente)
Doinas (excerpts)
Taci, cucule, nu cânta, mă,
Shut up, cuckoo, sing no more, hey,
Căci mă doare inima, mă,
Because my heart is in pain, hey,
Că când am avut doi părinți, mă,
For, when I had both my parents, hey,
Mi-o plăcut, cucul, să-mi cânți, mă.
I used to like to hear you sing, cuckoo, hey.
Ei, da' mult mă-ntreabă iedera:
Well, the ivy keeps asking me:
Dar de ce nu-s verde ca ea?
Why am I not as green as it is?
Dar de ce nu-s verde ca ea?
Why am I not as green as it is?
Hei, dar cum n-ar si iedera verde
Hey, why wouldn't the ivy be green
Dacă numa-n pădure săde?
When it only grows in the woods?
Că numa-n pădure săde
For it only grows in the woods1
Ei, da' mult mă-ntreabă sfânta lună, mult, măi,
Well, the holy moon keeps asking me, it keeps asking, hey,
Da' mult mă-ntreabă sfânta lună, mult, măi:
Well, the holy moon keeps asking me, it keeps asking, hey:
Că unde mi-i voia cea bună? Mult, măi...
Where is my good will2? It keeps asking me, hey...
Ei, că la fântână la mocrină
Hey, by the fountain in the muddy place,
Da, plânge o pasăre bătrână,
Well, an old bird is crying,
Ei, da' că nu plânge că-i bătrâna,
And it's not crying because it is old,
E, dar c-a crescut rânduri de pui,
But it cries for she had two rows of babies
Și-amu nu-i a nimărui.
And now she doesn't belong to anyone3
Dar codru-i galbân de vânturi,
So the forest is getting yellow because of the winds,
Și omul tânăr de gânduri,
And the young man is turning yellow because of his thoughts,
Frunza o gălbinește vântul,
The leaf turns yellow because of the wind,
Dar pe omul tinerel - gândul.
While the young man4... because of thoughts.
Hei, dar s-aude brazdă huruind,
Hey, I hear the earth being turned over with a plow,
Dar e pă frunza zicând,
But I hear the sound of a leaf5,
Dar e pă frunza zicând
But I hear the sound of a leaf.
Of-of-of, orzule cu iarbă rară,
Oh oh oh, scarce barley,
Cine te-a cosi la vară?
Who will harvest you this summer?
Da' cine te-a cosi la vară?
Who will harvest you this summer?
Fântână cu viorele,
Fountain surrounded by squills,
Norocu-i la cele răle,
Luck stays with the bad ones,
Norocu-i la cele răle.
Luck stays with the bad ones.
Mă dusei pă lângă râu, măi,
I went by the riverside, hey
Cu săceruica la brâu.
Wearing my sickle around my waist.
Ei, dar pe cel plai, picior de munte, zâi, hîi, hîi,
Hey, on that piece of land, by the mountainside, sing, ing, ing,
Dar ce zgomot de om s-aude? Zâi! hîi, hîi
What man made sound is there? Sing, ing, ing,
Dar ce zgomot de om s-aude?
What man made sound is there?
Maică, decât mă făceai,
Mother, instead of giving birth to me,
Mai bine un pom sădeai,
You should have planted a tree,
Maică, decât mă făceai,
Mother, instead of giving birth to me,
Mai bine un pom sădeai;
You should have planted a tree;
Făcea poame, nu făcea,
Whether it had fruit or not,
L-aveai în grădina ta,
It was there, in your garden6
Făcea poame, nu făcea,
Whether it had fruit or not,
L-aveai în grădina ta.
It was there, in your garden.
Ai, foaie verde mărgărit,
Hey, green leaf of summer mistletoe,
Mă uitai spre răsărit,
I looked towards the East7
Văzui primăvara viind,
And I saw that spring was coming,
Văzui primăvara viind.
And I saw spring coming.
Frunzuliță mărgărit,
Green leaf of summer mistletoe,
Mă uitai spre răsărit,
I looked towards the East,
Văzui primăvara viind,
And I saw that spring was coming,
Văzui primăvara viind.
And I saw spring coming.
Lele, foaie verde o viorea,
Dear, green ivy leaf,
Lele, iarna-i grea,
Dear, winter is harsh,
Muierea-i rea,
The woman8 is mean,
Vacile n-au ce mânca,
The cows have nothing to eat,
Mă dusei la un vecin
I went up to one of my neighbours'
Să-i cer o furcă de fân.
To ask for a pitchfork of hay.
Of of, foaie verde, trei alune,
Oh oh, green leaf, three hazelnuts,
Of of, foaie verde, trei alune,
Oh oh, green leaf, three hazelnuts,
Vorbește lumea de mine:
People talk about me:
Cum fac eu de trăiesc bine?
How come my life is so good?
Foaie verde mărgărit,
Green leaf of summer mistletoe,
Foaie verde mărgărit,
Green leaf of summer mistletoe,
Păcat c-am îmbătrânit
It's a pity that I've grown old
Și vremea nu mi-a venit,
Before I was supposed to.
Părul tot mi-a încărunțit
My hair has all turned gray,
Și-s nesătul de iubit,
And I haven't had enough of loving;
Când eram tânăr puștan,
When I was a lad,
Suiam dealul, coboram.
I was able to climb the hill and come back down.