Translation of the song MIINE artist Unknown Artist (Romanian)



English translation


miine va veni

tomorrow will come

o astept (asa imi pare,

i am expecting her (so it seems to me,

ca e de genul feminin).

that is of feminine genre).

azi lucrurile si-au schimbat primul strat de culoare

today things have changed their first layer of colour

alunecind tot mai mult inspre gri.

sliping more and more towards grey.

pina la apus de soare

until the sunset

mai e foarte putin.

is very less.

inca mai trag speranta

i still hope

(cum as trage cortina?)

(how would i draw the curtain?)

miine, cu singuranta, va veni.

tomorrow, definetly, she'll come.

acum, lucrurile s-au deformat,

now, things have deformed themselves,

pierzind din substanta.

losing from substance.

sint moi, flescaite,

they are soft, flaccid,



as inventa o altfel de instanta

i would invent so other sort of instance

cu alte biblii, alte juraminte,

with other bibles, other oaths,

as inventa un palat

i would invent a palace

din cuvinte

from beautiful



dar nu am timp!

but i don't have time!

daca tocmai atunci, in secunda plapinda

if just then, in the frail second

cind as uita sa stau la pinda

when i'd forget to stay at wait

miine, maiestuoasa


miine ar veni!

tomorrow would come.

miine nu a venit.

tomorrow didn't came.

miine nu vine.

tomorrow doesn't come.

nu se face niciodata miine

it never turns out tomorrow

sperantele, tot mai putine -

hopes, just less-

numaratoare inversa spre zero absolut...

countdown to absolute zero..

o, mi-e atit de rusine

o..i'm so ashamed.

ca nici bucata mea de piine

that not even my piece of bread

nu va ma fi aici sa vada

won't be here to see

fericitul eveniment,

the happy event,

explozia de poezie,

the explosion of poetry

facerea de om din lut,

the making of man from clay

albastra zapada

the blue snow

cind va fi sa fie...

when it would be to be...

miine nici astazi nu a venit.

tomorrow not even today hasn't came

mai am trei pasi

i have three more steps

pina la plus infinit.

until plus infinit.

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