Translation of the song 1228 (Zečevi beli) artist Block Out
1228 (Zečevi beli)
1228 (White rabbits)
Vrebam ko smuk iznad grotla.
I'm prowling like a racer over the hatch.
Nečujno provodim sate.
Silently waiting for hours.
Crveni rez ispod oka,
Red cut below the eye,
sve glupe rane se pamte.
all the stupid wounds get remembered.
Miluje svetlost sa neba,
Caressing light from the sky,
miholjsko cedi se leto.
Indian summer is oozing.
Ukraden plen s dna dubine,
A prey stolen from the depth's bottom,
kida ga mršavo pseto.
butchered by a scrawny mutt.
Sećanja naviru sama,
Memories are flooding,
Brzo, ko zečevi beli...
quickly, like white rabbits...
Stoji na kaljavom drumu,
Standing on the muddy road,
bori se s jačim od sebe.
fights with the stronger one.
U mestu hoda mašina.
The machine walking in place.
Smeje se klizava glina.
Slippery clay is laughing.
Mesec mu sija na muku,
The moon shines on his troubles,
Čeka na red, pa nek traje.
he waits for his turn, as long as it takes.
Sipam mu duvan u ruku,
I'm pouring tobacco in his palm,
produžen život klima,
extended life nods,
odlazim dalje...
I'm walking further...
Sećanja naviru sama,
Memories are flooding,
brzo, ko zečevi beli...
quickly, like white rabbits...
Stižemo. Teret se spušta.
We arrive. The load is put down.
Vesela kapija žuta.
Cheerful yellow gates.
...I sitan kamen pod gumama krza...
...And gravel cracks under tires...
...I lišće kreće da šušti.
...And leaves start to rustle.
Zastajem, leđa me bole.
I'm stopping, my back hurts.
Izuvam bokal pun vode.
I'm gulping down the whole pitcher of water.
Svaki put isti ritual.
Every time the same ritual.
Igra završava ovde...
The game ends here...
...gde sećanja naviru sama,
...where memories are flooding,
brzo, ko zečevi beli...
quickly, like white rabbits...