Translation of the song Ako imaš s kim i gde artist Block Out
Ako imaš s kim i gde
If you have with whom and where
Sam dim i prašina.
Only smoke and dust.
Eto šta je ostalo od krika pobednika.
That's what's left of the winner's scream.
Tužna jutra su bez ptica,
Sad mornings are without birds,
kao da je neko isključio ton.
as if somebody turned off the tone.
Naša priča nema kraja.
Our story has no end.
Jednostavno teče kao mrtva reka.
It's simply running like a dead river.
Samo teško bolestan,
Only seriously ill,
sebe vidi k'o čoveka.
sees himself as a man.
Ako imaš s kim i gde
If you have whom and where
ti se nastani.
you settle down.
Nemoj da ti kao meni prođu dani.
Do not let your days pass like mine.
Ja ne umem da ti kažem ko sam.
I am not able to tell you who am I.
Trudni naftaš krsti popa.
Pregnant oil rigger baptises a priest.
Godišnji je odmor, pa trenutno nema boga.
It's the holiday, so at the moment there is no god.
Curi znoj - to zove obnova,
The sweat is dripping - reconstruction is calling,
sa pet kraka, a sa čet'ri slova.
with five points, and with four letters.
Ispred tuge čuči sumnja.
In front of sorrow lies grief.
Zagrizi je i preseci.
Bite it and cut it.
Ordenje na mrtva tela,
Decorations on dead bodies,
jel' to mora, ti mi reci.
does it have to be like that, you tell me.
Ako imaš s kim i gde
If you have whom and where
ti se nastani.
you settle down.
Nemoj da ti kao meni prođu dani.
Do not let your days pass like mine.
Ja ne umem da ti kažem ko sam.
I am not able to tell you who am I.
Preko glave leti sačma.
Pellet is flying over the head.
Heroje nebesa zovu.
Heavens are calling the heroes.
Pogled cedio kroz prste,
Looking through my fingers,
sedeo sam sam na krovu.
I sat alone on the roof.
Novi dan i novi loto.
A new day and a new lotto.
Svaka nagrada je pepeo i prah.
Each prize is ash and dust.
Ne kockaj se sa životom,
Do not gamble with life,
Gaji ljubav, poštuj strah.
Cultivate love, respect fear.
Ako imaš s kim i gde
If you have whom and where
ti se nastani.
you settle down.
Nemoj da ti kao meni prođu dani.
Do not let your days pass like mine.
Ja ne umem da ti kažem ko sam.
I am not able to tell you who am I.