Translation of the song Andrej artist Block Out



English translation


Reči nisu važne očima se kaže

Words are not important, with eyes it is told

Skupljam zlatne ruke filter tuđe bruke

I put golden hands together, a filter of someone else's shame

Ispred mene pustinja

In front of me a desert

Kako se to zove kad ti neko dođe

What is it called when someone comes to you

u nemirne snove i sebi pozove

in troubled dreams and calls for oneself

Vera ili istina

Belief or truth

Ljudi se dele na glupe i zle

People are divided into stupid and evil

Ljudi se trude da unište sve

People are trying to destroy everything

Nisam ja gluvonem

I'm not deafmute

Krupne kišne kapi nebeske sve su to suze

The big raindrops, they all are heavenly tears

Nestaju u vodi sve tajne želje iz podsvesti

Disappearing in the water all secret wishes from the subconscious

A nad mokrom glavom još stoji krov

And above my wet head there still is a roof

Hteo sam nešto al' ne znam da l' smem

I wanted something but I do not know if I dare

Nisam ja gluvonem

I'm not deafmute

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