Translation of the song Dan koji nikad nije došao artist Block Out
Dan koji nikad nije došao
A day that never came
Čitav život živeo za jedan dan koji nikad nije došao
The whole life lived for a day that never came
A nada poslednja strada
And hope dies last
I umrla je šta ćemo sada
And it died what are we to do now
Umoran težak spor trom organizam traži gorivo za sledeći sat
A tired, heavy, slow, torpid organism seeks fuel for the next hour
Ni tužan ni radostan
Neither sad nor joyful
Crna rupčaga bez dna
A bottomless black hole
Mi smo zalutali i evo sad se vraćamo polako ali ne znamo kako
We've gone astray and here we are going back slowly, but we do not know how
Sreća na grobljima još stanuju ptice
Luckily in cemeteries still birds live
A snegovi pokrivaju tragove u blatu
And the snow covers the traces in the mud
Ljudi su nervozni i gadni
People are nervous and nasty
Vole pobede u fudbalu i ratu
They love victories in football and war
Potrošio si svoje najlepše reči da ih ubediš u veru
You used your most beautiful words to bring them to faith (Vera, fem. name)
Ona čuči pored groba tvog i plače
She's kneeling by your grave and weeping
Pita kome smo to pevali
Asking to whom did we sing
Mi smo zalutali i evo sad se vraćamo polako ali ne znamo kako
We've gone astray and here we are going back slowly, but we do not know how
Čekali smo dan koji nikad nije došao
We waited for a day that never came
Dan koji nikad nije došao
A day that never came
Čitav život živeo za jedan dan koji nikad nije došao
The whole life lived for a day that never came
A nada poslednja strada
And hope dies last
I umrla je šta ćemo sada
And it died what are we to do now
Umoran težak trom spor organizam traži gorivo za sledeći sat
A tired, tough, slow, torpid organism seeks fuel for the next hour
Ni tužan ni radostan
Neither sad nor joyful
Crna rupčaga bez dna
A bottomless black hole
Sreća na grobljima još stanuju ptice
Luckily in cemeteries still birds live
A snegovi pokrivaju tragove u blatu
And the snow covers the traces in the mud
Ljudi su nervozni i gadni
People are nervous and nasty
Vole pobede u fudbalu i ratu
They love victories in football and war
Potrošio si svoje najlepše reči da ih ubediš u veru
You used your most beautiful words to bring them to faith (Vera, fem. name)
Ona čuči ispred groba tvog i plače
She's kneeling by your grave and weeping
Pita kome smo to pevali
Asking to whom did we sing
Mi smo zalutali i evo sad se vraćamo polako ali ne znamo kako
We've gone astray and here we are going back slowly, but we do not know how
Čekali smo dan koji nikad nije došao...
We waited for a day that never came ...