Translation of the song Finansijska konstrukcija artist Block Out
Finansijska konstrukcija
Financial construction
Nestajem i to je sve.
I'm disappearing and that's all.
Sekundara se muči.
The second hand is struggling.
Gutam trokraku bez straha,
I'm swallowing a three-prong without fear,
sasvim siguran u sebe.
completely confident in myself.
Ne budi me dok umirem,
Do not wake me while I'm dying,
jer smeta mi kad placeš.
as it bothers me when you cry.
Tvoje suze osmeh traže,
Your tears look for a smile,
ja ne mogu da ga nađem.
I can not find it.
Poseti me, podseti me
Visit me, remind me
na priče iz davnina,
of the stories from ancient times,
dok sam verovao ljudima
when I believed people
i plašio se neba.
and was frightened of the sky.
Finansijska konstrukcija
Financial construction
je pogrešna, sve pada.
is wrong, it all falls.
Poraz preplaćenog stiha,
A defeat of the overpaid verse,
Dve-tri reči, jedan ton,
Two-three words, one tone,
i zbogom...
and goodbye...