Translation of the song Majdan artist Block Out



English translation


Velika soba kod kuće na zemlji

A large room in house on earth

i majčinski osmeh i glas.

and motherly smile and voice.

Otvaraš oko po oko

You open eye by eye

i ćutiš u nas.

and stay silence in us.

Ruka na ruci i suza na usni,

Hand on hand and tear on lip,

a tuga odaziva se,

a grief is responding,

živ, ti se vraćaš u život

alive, you came back in life

ko zna odakle.

who knows from where.

I sam veruješ u muk istine.

And alone you believe in silence of truth.

Sećaš se, sanjao nisi, a bio si gde?

You remember, you didn't dream, and you were where?

I sam veruješ u muk istine,

And alone you believe in silence of truth,

svu svoju snagu ti dajem da pogledaš me.

I give you all my strength so you can look me.

Trčim i prosipam pesak po vodi

I run and spill sand on water

ko ptica što sleće na sneg.

like bird that lands on snow.

Sklopljene oči drugačije gledaju svet.

Closed eyes see world differently.

Sever mi sledio kosti,

North has frozen my bones,

šta vredi što vidim kad neću da znam.

what does it worth that I can see when I don't want to know.

I dugo već četiri godišnja doba su dva...

And for long time, four seasons are two...

Ja verujem u muk istine.

I believe in silence of truth

Dunav će postati more, podaviće sve.

Danube will become sea, and will drown all.

Ja verujem u muk istine,

I believe in silence of truth,

umoran, tužan, opijen, prepoznaješ me.

tired, sad, drunk, you recognized me.

Seti se kako smo gledali majdan

Remember how we used to watch quarry

ko pakao da je na dnu.

like the hell is on the bottom.

Ušli smo jednom u njega

We entered within

i skratili put.

and shortened the road.

Vetar ti ukrao kanap iz ruke,

Wind had stolen the string from your hand,

u nebo ti pobeg'o zmaj,

the kite has ran away in the sky,

traži ga pogled po svodu,

search him across the dome,

al' krije ga sjaj.

but radiance hides him.

Ja verujem u muk istine.

I believe in silence of truth.

Možda se sve ovo dešava još nekome.

Maybe this also happens to someone else.

Ja verujem u muk istine,

I believe in silence of truth,

ili smo samo zalutali u sećanje...

or we were just lost in memory...

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