Translation of the song Nikad (dve hiljade i kusur godina) artist Block Out
Nikad (dve hiljade i kusur godina)
Never (two thousand and some years)
Pronađi neki put
Find a way
pronađi novi svet
find a new world
ja sam alergičan na strah
I am allergic to fear
a još sam gori nego pre
and I am even worse than before
Nema razloga da poverujem sve
There is no reason for me to believe in everything
štedi svoj proliveni znoj
save your spilled sweat
moj bol je, ipak samo moj
my pain is, still, only mine
Sve kao da je san
Everything is like a dream
i kao da smo tu već bili
and as if we have already been there
neki dan u isti čas
on some day at the same time
to prati nas od malih nogu
that is following us since childhood1
Sanjao sam te, kucaš eksere
I dreamed of you, you are hammering nails
moje ruke krvare
my hands are bleeding
ja, kao, podnosim sve
I can, like, bear everything
Poželim na tren
I wish for an instant
da nisam više tu
that I was no longer there
da prosto prestanem
that I simply stop
da tražim zvezdu vodilju
to look for a guiding star
E, vidiš, to je laž
Well, you see, that's a lie
i za to ne postoji lek
and there is no cure for it
kad misliš gotovo
when you think it's over
a ono počinje tek
and it's only just beginning
Jednom u životu
For once in your lifetime
digni belu zastavu
raise the white flag
i prihvati to kao svoju pobedu
and accept it as your victory
Svest za opšte dobro
Awareness for the common good
skupi ranjene
gather the wounded
pa im podari so
and give2 them salt
neka se okale
let them steel themselves
Izveštačeni osmeh
An artificial smile
što odnosi tvoj greh
that takes away your sin
na listu čekanja
to a waiting list
na listu trajanja, bez kajanja
to a lasting list, with no regret
Lice sakriva
He hides his face
a ruke pune darova
and his hands are full of gifts
i čeka da ti da
and he's waiting to give you
čeka da ti da
waiting to give you
Oči velike, njima vidi sve
Eyes so big, he can see everything with them
al' on je tako star
but he is so old
nema nerava
he hasn't got the nerves
osramoćen i sed
disgraced and grey-haired
u očima mu led
ice in his eyes
Ista uloga dve hiljade
The same role for two thousand
i kusur godina
and some years
i nikad nece stići
and he will never arrive
i nikad nece stići
and he will never arrive
nikad, nikad na vreme
never, never on time