Translation of the song Protiv sebe artist Block Out
Protiv sebe
Against myself
Tezak san, tihi korak, mrtav mrak, crni oblak
Heavy sleep1, quiet step, dead darkness, black cloud
Beskucnik koji trazi,
A homeless man seeking
Zbir znakova po prasumi
A sum of signs all over the jungle2
A tvoje ruke su nezne, lako spustas ih na mene
And your hands3 are gentle, you lay them onto me lightly
Tvoje reci su jasne, samo treba da ti verujem i procice
Your words are clear, I should just trust you and it will go away
Ja nikad ne bih sanjao, ali neko tera me na to
I would never dream, but someone is making me do it
Nemam izvor svetlosti,
I have no source of light
Na vidiku samo mrak
There is only darkness in sight
Crna kapa preko ociju
A black hat4 over my eyes
Ja se plasim da je skinem
I'm afraid of taking it off
Nema razloga za bolji svet,
There is no reason for a better world
Sve sto smislim, stvorim ga za sebe
Everything I think of, I create for myself
Al protiv sebe, protiv sebe, protiv sebe...
But against myself, against myself, against myself...
Ja dobro znam sta radim
I know well what I'm doing
Al ne znam zbog cega,
But I don't know why
Sve dobija drugu boju i miris
Everything gets a different colour and smell
Koliko sam puta krenuo iz pocetka
How many times have I started over
I stigao do istog, prokletog mesta
And reached the same cursed spot
Moje vreme, prolazi
My time is passing
Nemam ga jos mnogo
I don't have much of it left
Moje vreme prolazi
My time is passing
Nemam ga jos mnogo
I don't have much of it left
A nista nisam stigao da naplatim
And I haven't had time to collect any debts5
Strah ili strepnja,
Fear or trepidation
Kradem ti misli, radim protiv sebe
I steal your thoughts, I work against myself
Protiv sebe...
Against myself...