Miševi vladaju loptom okruglom,
The mice rule the round ball,
a gvožda im služe da iscede gnoj.
and the irons serve to squeeze the pus.
Ja sam se rodio ispod gusenica,
I was born under the caterpillars,
zamišljam želju, a ti grad i broj.
I'm making a wish, and you city and number.
Knjiga pod jastukom - vera sa naukom,
A book under the pillow - faith with science,
verujem, nije mi potreban Bog.
I believe, I don't need God.
Jede me mirno ta mala životinja,
It's eating me peacefully this little animal,
da li da poginem ili da uginem?
should I get killed or die?
Ako me voliš, pomozi mi, pucaj u čelo.
If you love me, help me, shoot me in the forehead.
Ako me voliš, pomozi mi, dajem ti telo.
If you love me, help me, I give you my body.
Ja dušu nemam,
I have no soul, or I don't know how to give it.
Ili ne znam da je dam.
I have no soul, or I don't know how to give it.
Stići će glasnik iz daleke prošlosti,
A messenger from the distant past will arrive,
znaću što nisam ni visok ni plav.
I'll know why I'm neither tall nor blond.
Koagulacija ponosnih nacija,
Coagulation of proud nations,
telo mi truli, moj mozak je zdrav.
my body is rotting, my brain is healthy.
Pristajem, nevin sam, pristajem, kriv sam,
I agree, I am innocent, I agree, I am guilty,
ja pristajem - bacam palamar na stene.
I'm mooring - I throw my hawser on the rocks.
Prihvati ga, veži me, bušan sam, tonem,
Grab it, tie me up, I'm punctured, I'm drowning,
i uzalud pumpaš svu vodu iz mene.
and in vain you pump all the water out of me.
I još sam zaljubljen u svoj mali san.
And I'm still in love with my little dream.
Evo ti reči, ti sklopi rečenicu,
Here's a word, you put a sentence together,
ja nemam snage da izbacim dah.
i have no strength to breathe out.
Ljubav, sloboda, i osmeh, i sreća,
Love, freedom, and smile, and happiness,
i suza, i mržnja, i tuga, i strah...
and a tear, and hatred, and sadness, and fear...
Miševi vladaju loptom okruglom,
The mice rule the round ball,
a gvožda im služe da iscede gnoj.
and the irons serve to squeeze the pus.
Ja sam se rodio ispod gusenica,
I was born under the caterpillars,
zamišljam želju, a ti grad i broj.
I'm making a wish, and you city and number.