Translation of the song Sudopera artist Block Out



English translation


Baš je tužan ovaj dan.

How sad is this day.

Iza mene leže sećanja.

Behind me lie memories.

Ispred stoji čovek sam.

Up front stands a man alone.

Okrenut je leđima.

He is turning his back.

Tako tih i spokojan.

So quiet and serene.

Tako jak i opasan.

So strong and dangerous.

Svetloplavi okean.

The light blue ocean.

Prljava sudopera.

Dirty sink.

On zna.

He knows.

On ubija.

He kills.

Dok pali cigaretu svećom,

As he lights a cigarette with a candle,


He enjoys it.

I po njemu ljuska plovi.

And on it a shell floats.

Ala gladna novih lutanja.

A beast hungry for new wanderings.

Gde će stići, šta ce biti?

Where will it reach, what will it become?

Raste voda - tone obala.

Water is rising - shoreline is sinking.

Život je izlečiva bolest.

Life is a curable disease.

Treba samo malo napora.

It just takes a bit of effort.

Iznad neba plače zvezda.

Above the sky a star cries.

Uzalud je sijala.

She shone in vain.

On zna.

He knows.

On ubija.

He kills.

Dok pali cigaretu svećom,

As he lights a cigarette with a candle,


He enjoys it.

Baš je tužan ovaj dan.

How sad is this day.

Iza mene leže sećanja.

Behind me lie memories.

Ispred stoji čovek sam.

Up front stands a man alone.

Okrenut je leđima.

He is turning his back.

Pored njega žena kleči.

Next to him a woman kneels.

Ona moli, on je vešto teši

She begs, he skillfully comforts her.

Moralo je da se desi.

It had to happen.

To je proces, nije sudbina.

It's a process, it's not fate.

On zna.

He knows.

On ubija.

He kills.

Dok pali cigaretu svećom,

As he lights a cigarette with a candle,


He enjoys it.

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