Baš je tužan ovaj dan.
How sad is this day.
Iza mene leže sećanja.
Behind me lie memories.
Ispred stoji čovek sam.
Up front stands a man alone.
Okrenut je leđima.
He is turning his back.
Tako tih i spokojan.
So quiet and serene.
Tako jak i opasan.
So strong and dangerous.
Svetloplavi okean.
The light blue ocean.
Prljava sudopera.
Dirty sink.
Dok pali cigaretu svećom,
As he lights a cigarette with a candle,
I po njemu ljuska plovi.
And on it a shell floats.
Ala gladna novih lutanja.
A beast hungry for new wanderings.
Gde će stići, šta ce biti?
Where will it reach, what will it become?
Raste voda - tone obala.
Water is rising - shoreline is sinking.
Život je izlečiva bolest.
Life is a curable disease.
Treba samo malo napora.
It just takes a bit of effort.
Iznad neba plače zvezda.
Above the sky a star cries.
Uzalud je sijala.
She shone in vain.
Dok pali cigaretu svećom,
As he lights a cigarette with a candle,
Baš je tužan ovaj dan.
How sad is this day.
Iza mene leže sećanja.
Behind me lie memories.
Ispred stoji čovek sam.
Up front stands a man alone.
Okrenut je leđima.
He is turning his back.
Pored njega žena kleči.
Next to him a woman kneels.
Ona moli, on je vešto teši
She begs, he skillfully comforts her.
Moralo je da se desi.
It had to happen.
To je proces, nije sudbina.
It's a process, it's not fate.
Dok pali cigaretu svećom,
As he lights a cigarette with a candle,